는 Klaytn 계정과 서명 트랜잭션과 데이터를 생성하는 함수를 포함합니다.
Copy caver . klay . accounts .create ([entropy])
개인키와 공개키를 사용하여 계정 개체를 생성합니다.
(optional) A random string to increase entropy. If none is given, a random string will be generated using randomHex .
Return Value
- 다음 구조의 계정 객체:
계정 개인키. 로컬 스토리지에 암호화되지 않은 상태로 공유하거나 저장해서는 안 됩니다! 또한 사용 후에는 메모리를 null로 설정하세요.
signTransaction(tx [, callback])
주어진 비밀번호로 개인키를 암호화하는 함수입니다.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .create ();
address : '0x79FF91738661760AC67b3E951c0B4f1F70F80478' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
> caver . klay . accounts .create ( 'entropy' );
address : '0x205fffB1025F4af604fEB1d3a22b46C0D2326585' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
> caver . klay . accounts .create ( caver . utils .randomHex ( 32 ));
address : '0x62Ca8964610A9D447E1a64753a09fC8b3D40b405' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKey (address , accountKey)
주어진 AccountKey로 Account 인스턴스를 생성합니다. Account는 계정 주소와 AccountKey를 관리하기 위한 클래스입니다.
참고 이는 caver-js에서 사용되는 데이터 구조체일 뿐입니다. 이 메서드는 Klaytn 네트워크에 계정을 생성하거나 네트워크에 있는 계정을 업데이트하지 않습니다. 참고 caver.klay.accounts.createWithAccountKey
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
AccountKey 인스턴스(AccountKeyPublic
, AccountKeyMultiSig
, AccountKeyRoleBased
) 또는 키 정보(개인키 문자열, 개인키 문자열의 배열 또는 각 역할에 해당하는 키를 정의한 객체)를 포함하는 데이터 구조체.
Return Value
- 다음 속성을 가진 Account 인스턴스가 반환됩니다.
The address of the account.
계정에 있는 accountKey의 기본 키 문자열. 이 속성은 이전 버전과의 호환성을 위해 남겨졌습니다. privateKey는 accountKey의 기본 키만 나타내므로, privateKey를 사용하여 서명하거나 트랜잭션을 보내지 않는 편이 좋습니다. transactionKey, updateKey 또는 feePayerKey를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
계정이 가진 accountKey의 유형. AccountKeyPublic
, AccountKeyMultiSig
, 또는 AccountKeyRoleBased
일 수 있습니다.
계정의 키. AccountKeyPublic, AccountKeyMultiSig 또는 AccountKeyRoleBased입니다.
계정이 가진 accountKey의 모든 키. AccountKeyPublic의 경우 단일 개인키 문자열입니다. AccountKeyMultiSig의 경우 모든 개인키 문자열이 포함된 배열을 반환합니다. AccountKeyRoleBased의 경우 각 역할에 연계된 키를 가지는 객체가 반환됩니다.
RoleTransaction 에 사용되는 키. AccountKeyPublic 또는 AccountKeyMultiSig는 어떤 역할에도 묶이지 않으므로, transactionKey는 키와 동일한 값을 가집니다.
Key used for the RoleAccountUpdate . AccountKeyPublic 또는 AccountKeyMultiSig는 어떤 역할에도 묶이지 않으므로, updateKey는 키와 동일한 값을 가집니다.
Key used for RoleFeePayer . AccountKeyPublic 또는 AccountKeyMultiSig는 어떤 역할에도 묶이지 않으므로, feePayerKey는 키와 동일한 값을 가집니다.
signTransaction(tx [, callback])
Account를 주어진 비밀번호로 암호화하는 함수.
Copy // Create an Account with AccountKeyPublic
> caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKey ( '0x62ca8964610a9d447e1a64753a09fc8b3d40b405' , '0x{private key}' )
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
// Create an Account with AccountKeyMultiSig
> caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKey ( '0x62ca8964610a9d447e1a64753a09fc8b3d40b405' , [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ])
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
// Create an Account with AccountKeyRoleBased
> caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKey ( '0x62ca8964610a9d447e1a64753a09fc8b3d40b405' , {
transactionKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] , '0x{private key}' ,
updateKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] ,
feePayerKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ]
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKeyPublic (address , accountKey)
AccountKeyPublic을 가지는 Account 인스턴스를 생성합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createWithAccountKeyPublic
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
An AccountKeyPublic instance or a private key string.
Return Value
- An Account instance, see caver.klay.accounts.createWithAccountKey .
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKeyPublic ( '0x62ca8964610a9d447e1a64753a09fc8b3d40b405' , '0x{private key}' )
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKeyMultiSig (address , accountKey)
AccountKeyMultiSig를 가지는 Account 인스턴스를 생성합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createWithAccountKeyMultiSig
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
An AccountKeyMultiSig instance or an array of private key strings.
Return Value
- An Account instance, see caver.klay.accounts.createWithAccountKey .
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKeyMultiSig ( '0x62ca8964610a9d447e1a64753a09fc8b3d40b405' , [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ])
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKeyRoleBased (address , accountKey)
AccountKeyRoleBased를 가지는 Account 인스턴스를 생성합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createWithAccountKeyRoleBased
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
An AccountKeyRoleBased instance or an object that defines the key for each role.
Return Value
- An Account instance, see caver.klay.accounts.createWithAccountKey .
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .createWithAccountKeyRoleBased ( '0x62ca8964610a9d447e1a64753a09fc8b3d40b405' , {
transactionKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] ,
updateKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] ,
feePayerKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ]
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKey (key)
매개 변수 유형에 따라 AccountKeyPublic
, AccountKeyMultiSig
또는 AccountKeyRoleBased
인스턴스를 생성합니다.
AccountKey는 caver-js에서 키를 관리하기 위한 데이터 구조체입니다. 하나의 개인키를 사용하려면 AccountKeyPublic을 사용하고 여러 개인키를 사용하려면 AccountKeyMultiSig, 각 역할(Role)별로 다른 키를 사용하려면 AccountKeyRoleBased를 사용하세요.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKey
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
AccountKey를 생성하기 위한 키입니다. key
가 단일 개인키 문자열인 경우, AccountKeyPublic 인스턴스가 생성됩니다. key
가 개인키 문자열의 배열인 경우, AccountKeyMultiSig 인스턴스가 생성됩니다. key
가 역할별 키를 정의한 객체인 경우, AccountKeyRoleBased 인스턴스가 생성됩니다. 각 역할별 키는 단일 개인키 문자열 또는 개인키 문자열의 배열이 될 수 있습니다. AccountKeyRoleBased 인스턴스는 각 역할을 위해 AccountKeyPublic 또는 AccountKeyMultiSig를 가질 수 있습니다.
Return Value
- 다음 속성을 가지는 AccountKeyPublic, AccountKeyMultiSig 또는 AccountKeyRoleBased 객체가 반환됩니다.
AccountKey의 기본 개인키. defaultKey는 AccountKeyPublic에 정의된 개인키 문자열, 또는 AccountKeyMultiSig인 경우에는 배열의 0번째 인덱스에 있는 개인키 문자열을 지칭합니다. AccountKeyRoleBased의 경우 첫 번째로 찾아지는 AccountKey의 defaultKey를 지칭하는데, AccountKey를 찾는 순서는 transactionkey, updateKey, feePayerKey 입니다.
AccountKey 인스턴스 내에 정의된 모든 개인키. For AccountKeyPublic, this is a single private key string; for AccountKeyMultiSig, this returns an array containing all the private key strings. In the case of AccountKeyRoleBased, an object with keys associated with each role is returned.
Key used for the RoleTransaction . AccountKeyPublic or AccountKeyMultiSig are not bound to any roles, so transactionKey holds the same value as keys.
Key used for the RoleAccountUpdate . AccountKeyPublic or AccountKeyMultiSig are not bound to any roles, so updateKey holds the same value as keys.
Key used for RoleFeePayer . AccountKeyPublic or AccountKeyMultiSig are not bound to any roles, so feePayerKey holds the same value as keys.
Copy // AccountKeyPublic 생성
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKey ( '0x{private key}' )
AccountKeyPublic {
_key : '0x{private key}'
// AccountKeyMultiSig 생성
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKey ([ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ])
AccountKeyMultiSig {
_keys : [
'0x{private key}' ,
'0x{private key}'
// AccountKeyRoleBased 생성
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKey ({
transactionKey : '0x{private key}' ,
updateKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] ,
feePayerKey : '0x{private key}'
AccountKeyRoleBased {
_transactionKey :
AccountKeyPublic {
_key : '0x{private key}'
} ,
_updateKey :
AccountKeyMultiSig {
_keys : [
'0x{private key}' ,
'0x{private key}'
} ,
_feePayerKey :
AccountKeyPublic {
_key : '0x{private key}'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKeyPublic (key)
주어진 개인키 문자열을 사용하여 AccountKeyPublic
의 인스턴스를 생성합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKeyPublic
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
AccountKeyPublic을 생성하기 위한 개인키 문자열입니다.
Return Value
- AccountKeyPublic 인스턴스, caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKey 를 참고하세요.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKeyPublic ( '0x{private key}' )
AccountKeyPublic {
_key : '0x{private key}'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKeyMultiSig (keys
주어진 여러 개의 개인키를 사용하여 AccountKeyMultiSig
인스턴스를 생성합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKeyMultiSig
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
AccountKeyMultiSig를 생성하기위한 개인키 문자열의 배열입니다.
Return Value
- AccountKeyMultiSig 인스턴스, caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKey 를 참조하세요.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKeyMultiSig ([ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ])
AccountKeyMultiSig {
_keys : [
'0x{private key}' ,
'0x{private key}'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKeyRoleBased (keyObject)
주어진 역할별 키를 사용하여 AccountKeyRoleBased
인스턴스를 생성합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKeyRoleBased
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
역할-키 쌍을 가지고 있는 객체. 각 역할에 해당하는 키는 개인키 문자열 또는 개인키 문자열의 배열일 수 있습니다.
Return Value
- AccountKeyRoleBased 인스턴스, caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKey 를 참조하세요.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .createAccountKeyRoleBased ({
transactionKey : '0x{private key}' ,
updateKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] ,
feePayerKey : '0x{private key}'
AccountKeyRoleBased {
_transactionKey :
AccountKeyPublic {
_key : '0x{private key}'
} ,
_updateKey :
AccountKeyMultiSig {
_keys : [
'0x{private key}' ,
'0x{private key}'
} ,
_feePayerKey :
AccountKeyPublic {
_key : '0x{private key}'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .accountKeyToPublicKey (accountKey)
이 함수는 AccountKey의 개인키를 공개키로 변환합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.accountKeyToPublicKey
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
An AccountKey instance (AccountKeyPublic
, AccountKeyMultiSig
or AccountKeyRoleBased
) or a data structure that contains the key info (a private key string, an array of private key strings or an object that defines the key for each role).
Return Value
만일 매개 변수가 AccountKeyPublic 인스턴스 또는 개인키 문자열인 경우 공개키 문자열이 반환됩니다. 만일 매개 변수가 AccountKeyMultiSig 인스턴스 또는 개인키 문자열의 배열인 경우 공개키 문자열의 배열이 반환됩니다. 만일 매개 변수가 AccountKeyRoleBased 인스턴스 또는 역할별 키(단일 개인키 문자열 또는 개인키 문자열의 배열)를 정의한 객체인 경우, 역할과 공개키(단일 공개키 문자열 또는 공개키 문자열의 배열) 쌍을 가진 객체를 반환합니다.
Copy // 개인키 문자열 변환
> caver . klay . accounts .accountKeyToPublicKey ( '0x{private key}' )
// 개인키 문자열 배열 변환
> caver . klay . accounts .accountKeyToPublicKey ([ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ])
'0x67f20d1198abcdc036a4d8f3ea0cf837527716c90f71d0b0410dfe3e1b405eded9ea818eedd5e8ad79658b2cdf4862ab0956a6f7fd0a4886afe6110b2e9803a4' ,
// Convert a role-based key
> caver . klay . accounts .accountKeyToPublicKey ({transactionKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] , updateKey : '0x{private key}' , feePayerKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ]})
transactionKey : [
'0x67f20d1198abcdc036a4d8f3ea0cf837527716c90f71d0b0410dfe3e1b405eded9ea818eedd5e8ad79658b2cdf4862ab0956a6f7fd0a4886afe6110b2e9803a4' ,
] ,
updateKey : '0x21aa42e0232e6c7607a0028bcbd690400b92574c44b17af8b036f3f4f01b0586f90578976a040debf6aecef4a5d00b5315b8c82e999ed8e5fbacd5fcbee82080' ,
feePayerKey : [
'0xb82bb74e902b1fa3594c7cc8bd33a727eb1c85a9bfc991327a0215fc413eafe0b3723cc7f3c6e79981b409e82b8bf7033fed2d2878c26502bea64f84d592b167' ,
Copy caver . klay . accounts .privateKeyToAccount (privateKey)
개인키에서 계정 객체를 생성합니다.
Return Value
- 계정 객체
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .privateKeyToAccount ( '0x{private key}' );
address : '0x62ca8964610a9d447e1a64753a09fc8b3d40b405' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
Copy caver . klay . accounts .privateKeyToPublicKey (privateKey)
주어진 개인키에서 공개키를 도출합니다.
The private key to convert.
Return Value
- 공개키 (64바이트)
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .privateKeyToPublicKey ( '0x{private key}' )
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdate (address , accountKey , options)
인스턴스를 생성합니다. AccountForUpdate는 계정의 주소와 업데이트 할 새로운 공개키를 가지고 있습니다.
는 계정 업데이트 트랜잭션 객체(ACCOUNT_UPDATE
)의 key
로 사용될 수 있습니다. AccountForUpdate
를 트랜잭션에서 사용하는 방법은 Account update with AccountForUpdate 를 참조하세요.
caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdate의 accountKey 매개 변수는 개인키이어야합니다.
공개키로 AccountForUpdate 인스턴스를 생성하고 싶으면 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithPublicKey 를 사용하세요.
또한 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithLegacyKey 를 사용해 AccountForUpdate 인스턴스를 만들어 AccountKeyLegacy 로 업데이트 할 수 있습니다. 그리고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithFailKey 를 사용해 AccountForUpdate 인스턴스를 만들어 AccountKeyFail 로 업데이트할 수 있습니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdate
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
AccountKey 인스턴스(AccountKeyPublic
, AccountKeyMultiSig
, AccountKeyRoleBased
) 또는 상응하는 키 정보(개인키 문자열, 개인키 문자열의 배열 또는 각 역할에 해당하는 키를 정의한 객체). accountKey가 AccountKey 인스턴스가 아닌 경우 이 메서드는 내부적으로 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountKey 를 호출하여 주어진 키 정보로 AccountKey 인스턴스를 만듭니다.
임계값과 가중치를 포함하는 객체로 선택적 매개변수. 이 값은 AccountKeyMultiSig를 사용할 때 필요합니다. 사용법은 아래 예에 나와 있습니다.
Return Value
- 다음 속성을 가진 AccountForUpdate 인스턴스가 반환됩니다.
주어진 accountKey에서 도출한, 새로운 공개키를 포함하는 객체.
Copy // Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyPublic
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdate ( '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' , '0x{private key}' )
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : {
publicKey : '0x24c32ee4f908ceed89e7501de2980fcb1d2add69080d3921f86c49de863eb2d507e24d9aaf91328b7f7cef2a94b538cb33b3f8cdd64925855ce0a4bf6e11f3db'
// Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyMultiSig with an options object
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdate ( '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' , [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] , { threshold : 2 , weight : [ 1 , 1 ] })
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : {
multisig : {
threshold : 2 ,
keys : [
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0xc89f551ce9c569cf978f4f64833e447f177a83eda4f1883d770360ab35002dbdeb2d502cd33217238add013ea1c4ff5055ceda46473569824e336d0d64e9eeb2'
} ,
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0xab0837fa3d61cf33dc4f3af4aca692d8c939566e1abbca0036fa3b29cd55b38a387f73baf59510d96680062bd129dd2bb8dcbb5ea5ed16c881f83a3251f73600'
// Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyRoleBased with an options object
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdate ( '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' , { transactionKey : '0x{private key}' , updateKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] , feePayerKey : '0x{private key}' } , { updateKey : { threshold : 2 , weight : [ 1 , 1 ] } })
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : {
roleTransactionKey : {
publicKey : '0x2b4a1d4ca1ee828f17e8c4c0ac0c0c46cf08f4b27fafc01e4b3481a4fe0891cacf315ed10b1df85bfd6797ea6c5ebafac437a7564eff355b11ad1e3d6e6c43a7'
} ,
roleAccountUpdateKey : {
multisig : {
threshold : 2 ,
keys : [
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0x26156615c8e503d96cd332a2fba6aab88b6156b983c89f586bcfc0443c0a7f2372d892d73c66d30f726f8269c75920a082eb2e57f6662d855389bb922ee263f3'
} ,
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0xafc139d2bcace02fa3d4b12926f976cf672f35a6ea2bc0f7e2e6d2ada0dd28f672acb8dcaedc694d6134a2f6c4aae472c9d67d30f760e16e742e01758c4daf83'
} ,
roleFeePayerKey : {
publicKey : '0xe55d39e147a0d5542d4bb965aeaa01e918c81a332ce47e0d3173179fe5b68c8c9264bec516d50bea0a7da7c3d8f98e124761a9b27434221d138ff8e22d932a0a'
// Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyRoleBased with legacy key or fail key
// When updating the key used for a specific role in AccountKeyRoleBased to AccountKeyLegacy or AccountKeyFailKey, define the role to update as follows.
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdate ( '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' , { transactionKey : 'legacyKey' , updateKey : 'failKey' })
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : {
roleTransactionKey : { legacyKey : true } ,
roleAccountUpdateKey : { failKey : true }
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdateWithPublicKey (address , keyForUpdate , options)
업데이트 할 새 키의 공개키를 사용하여 AccountForUpdate
인스턴스를 생성합니다.
can be used in the account update transaction object (ACCOUNT_UPDATE
) as a key
. If you want to know how to use AccountForUpdate
in the transaction, see Account update with AccountForUpdate .
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithPublicKey
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
The public-key of the new key to update. 이 값은 키가 AccountKeyPublic인 경우에는 단일 공개키 문자열, AccountKeyMultiSig인 경우 공개키 문자열의 배열, 키가 AccountKeyRoleBased인 경우는 객체입니다.
An optional object containing the threshold and weight. This is required when using AccountKeyMultiSig. AccountKeyRoleBased의 키 중 하나로 AccountKeyMultiSig를 사용하는 경우 임계값과 가중치에 역할을 지정하세요. The usage is shown in the example below.
Return Value
- An AccountForUpdate instance, see caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdate .
Copy // Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyPublic
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdateWithPublicKey ( '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' , '0x24c32ee4f908ceed89e7501de2980fcb1d2add69080d3921f86c49de863eb2d507e24d9aaf91328b7f7cef2a94b538cb33b3f8cdd64925855ce0a4bf6e11f3db' )
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : {
publicKey : '0x24c32ee4f908ceed89e7501de2980fcb1d2add69080d3921f86c49de863eb2d507e24d9aaf91328b7f7cef2a94b538cb33b3f8cdd64925855ce0a4bf6e11f3db'
// Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyMultiSig with an options object
> caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithPublicKey('0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef', ['0xc89f551ce9c569cf978f4f64833e447f177a83eda4f1883d770360ab35002dbdeb2d502cd33217238add013ea1c4ff5055ceda46473569824e336d0d64e9eeb2', '0xab0837fa3d61cf33dc4f3af4aca692d8c939566e1abbca0036fa3b29cd55b38a387f73baf59510d96680062bd129dd2bb8dcbb5ea5ed16c881f83a3251f73600'], { threshold: 2, weight: [1,1] })
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : {
multisig : {
threshold : 2 ,
keys : [
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0xc89f551ce9c569cf978f4f64833e447f177a83eda4f1883d770360ab35002dbdeb2d502cd33217238add013ea1c4ff5055ceda46473569824e336d0d64e9eeb2'
} ,
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0xab0837fa3d61cf33dc4f3af4aca692d8c939566e1abbca0036fa3b29cd55b38a387f73baf59510d96680062bd129dd2bb8dcbb5ea5ed16c881f83a3251f73600'
// Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyRoleBased with an options object
> caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithPublicKey('0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef', { transactionKey: '0x2b4a1d4ca1ee828f17e8c4c0ac0c0c46cf08f4b27fafc01e4b3481a4fe0891cacf315ed10b1df85bfd6797ea6c5ebafac437a7564eff355b11ad1e3d6e6c43a7', updateKey: ['0x26156615c8e503d96cd332a2fba6aab88b6156b983c89f586bcfc0443c0a7f2372d892d73c66d30f726f8269c75920a082eb2e57f6662d855389bb922ee263f3', '0xafc139d2bcace02fa3d4b12926f976cf672f35a6ea2bc0f7e2e6d2ada0dd28f672acb8dcaedc694d6134a2f6c4aae472c9d67d30f760e16e742e01758c4daf83'], feePayerKey: '0xe55d39e147a0d5542d4bb965aeaa01e918c81a332ce47e0d3173179fe5b68c8c9264bec516d50bea0a7da7c3d8f98e124761a9b27434221d138ff8e22d932a0a' }, { updateKey: { threshold: 2, weight: [1,1] } })
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : {
roleTransactionKey : {
publicKey : '0x2b4a1d4ca1ee828f17e8c4c0ac0c0c46cf08f4b27fafc01e4b3481a4fe0891cacf315ed10b1df85bfd6797ea6c5ebafac437a7564eff355b11ad1e3d6e6c43a7'
} ,
roleAccountUpdateKey : {
multisig : {
threshold : 2 ,
keys : [
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0x26156615c8e503d96cd332a2fba6aab88b6156b983c89f586bcfc0443c0a7f2372d892d73c66d30f726f8269c75920a082eb2e57f6662d855389bb922ee263f3'
} ,
weight : 1 ,
publicKey : '0xafc139d2bcace02fa3d4b12926f976cf672f35a6ea2bc0f7e2e6d2ada0dd28f672acb8dcaedc694d6134a2f6c4aae472c9d67d30f760e16e742e01758c4daf83'
} ,
roleFeePayerKey : {
publicKey : '0xe55d39e147a0d5542d4bb965aeaa01e918c81a332ce47e0d3173179fe5b68c8c9264bec516d50bea0a7da7c3d8f98e124761a9b27434221d138ff8e22d932a0a'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdateWithLegacyKey (address)
계정의 키를 AccountKeyLegacy 로 업데이트 하기 위한 AccountForUpdate 인스턴스를 생성합니다. AccountKeyLegacy로 업데이트하기 전에 계정 주소와 일치하는 개인키를 가지고 있는지 확인하세요.
can be used in the account update transaction object (ACCOUNT_UPDATE
) as a key
. If you want to know how to use AccountForUpdate
in the transaction, see Account update with AccountForUpdate .
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithLegacyKey
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
Return Value
- An AccountForUpdate instance, see caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdate .
Copy // Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyLegacy
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdateWithLegacyKey ( '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' )
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : { legacyKey : true }
Copy caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdateWithFailKey (address)
계정의 키를 AccountKeyFail 로 업데이트 하기 위한 AccountForUpdate 인스턴스를 생성합니다. AccountKeyFail을 가진 계정에서 보낸 트랜잭션은 항상 유효성 검사 과정에서 실패합니다.
can be used in the account update transaction object (ACCOUNT_UPDATE
) as a key
. If you want to know how to use AccountForUpdate
in the transaction, see Account update with AccountForUpdate .
참고 caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdateWithFailKey
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
Return Value
- An AccountForUpdate instance, see caver.klay.accounts.createAccountForUpdate .
Copy // Create AccountForUpdate for AccountKeyFail
> caver . klay . accounts .createAccountForUpdateWithFailKey ( '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' )
AccountForUpdate {
address : '0x5B4EF8e2417DdE1b9B80BcfC35d1bfeF3D7234ef' ,
keyForUpdate : { failKey : true }
Copy caver . klay . accounts .signTransaction (tx [ , privateKey] [ , callback])
주어진 개인키로 Klaytn 트랜잭션에 서명합니다.
caver-js v1.2.0 부터, 이 메서드는 입력 매개 변수로 일반 트랜잭션 객체뿐만 아니라 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션도 받습니다. See caver.klay.sendTransaction for the various types of transaction object. 이 메서드는 기본적으로 발신자로 서명합니다. If you want to sign as a fee-payer, we recommend to use caver.klay.accounts.feePayerSignTransaction . 그러나 객체 {senderRawTransaction: rawTransaction, feePayer: feePayerAddress}
를 tx
로 전달하면 수수료 납부자도 여전히 이 메서드를 사용하여 서명할 수 있습니다. senderRawTransaction은 FEE_DELEGATED_ 유형의 트랜잭션이어야 합니다.
Also since caver-js v1.2.0 , signTransaction keeps the existing signatures/feePayerSignatures in the input transaction and appends the signature(s) of the signer to it.
여러 사용자의 서명을 하나의 rawTransaction으로 결합하는 방법은 Sending a Transaction with multiple signer 를 참조하세요.
Transaction object or RLP-encoded transaction string (rawTransaction). 트랜잭션 객체의 속성은 트랜잭션 유형에 따라 다릅니다. For the description of each transaction type, see caver.klay.sendTransaction .
(optional) The private key to sign with.
(optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second.
참고 privateKey
매개변수는 caver-js v1.2.0-rc.3 이후 선택적 매개변수
로 변경되었습니다. 또한 privateKey 매개변수는 caver-js v1.2.0-rc.3 이후 개인키 문자열의 array
를 지원합니다. privateKey를 전달하지 않으면, 트랜잭션을 서명하기 위해 from
또는 feePayer
계정이 caver.klay.accounts.wallet에 반드시 존재해야 합니다. privateKey 배열이 제공되면, 배열 내부의 모든 키로 트랜잭션이 서명됩니다.
참고 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 tx
매개변수는 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션을 받아들입니다.
Return Value
는 Object
를 반환: RLP 인코딩된 서명된 트랜잭션. 객체 속성은 다음과 같습니다:
caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction을 사용하여 전송할 준비가 된 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션.
Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash
(optional) An array of the sender's signature(s).
(optional) An array of the fee payer's signature(s).
참고 signatures 및 feePayerSignatures 속성은 caver-js v1.2.0-rc.3 이후 추가되었습니다. 발신자가 트랜잭션에 서명하면, 서명 배열이 signatures
로 반환됩니다. 수수료 지불자가 서명하면, 서명 배열이 feePayerSignatures
로 반환됩니다.
참고 반환되는 객체에 있는 txHash
와 senderTxHash
는 최종 값이 아닐 수 있습니다. 다른 발신자 서명이 추가되면 txHash 및 senderTxHash가 변경됩니다. 수수료 납부자 서명이 추가되면 txHash가 변경됩니다.
Copy // sign legacy transaction with private key string
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransaction ({
from : '0x72519cf34d9aa14629e7ad0cad5d55a3bb398364' ,
to : '0xa9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6' ,
value : caver . utils .toPeb ( 1 , 'KLAY' ) ,
gas : 900000 ,
} , '0x{private key}' ) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0xc4f3d98b901489c2c6e7bb9a5ddb4bc807b0251c6eac671356f01b66b749141f' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0x2ef0d0c59ad302bcd73823879f6e1550e4bc6e6c38be69724c71ad6e09edde82' ,
s : '0x602b1064ff5a6ba4718a493e50cf9e58ca9a9addf6ed4bbbc89fbc040a3c107e' ,
rawTransaction : '0xf86f808505d21dba00830dbba094a9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6880de0b6b3a764000080824e44a02ef0d0c59ad302bcd73823879f6e1550e4bc6e6c38be69724c71ad6e09edde82a0602b1064ff5a6ba4718a493e50cf9e58ca9a9addf6ed4bbbc89fbc040a3c107e' ,
txHash : '0x87e84bd1d9c512cfabe5ebce10597dd40bc6fe828a10e460b7c01075c76b71a5' ,
senderTxHash : '0x87e84bd1d9c512cfabe5ebce10597dd40bc6fe828a10e460b7c01075c76b71a5' ,
signatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x2ef0d0c59ad302bcd73823879f6e1550e4bc6e6c38be69724c71ad6e09edde82' ,
// signTransaction with private key string
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransaction ({
from : '0x72519cf34d9aa14629e7ad0cad5d55a3bb398364' ,
to : '0xa9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6' ,
value : caver . utils .toPeb ( 1 , 'KLAY' ) ,
gas : 900000 ,
} , '0x{private key}' ) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0xf003c68467424eed29b55d3d107167b207adb6bba66f8b9b73b7df824beb144c' ,
v : '0x4e43' ,
r : '0xea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5c' ,
s : '0x5e5d250db3c31a193dbe5289935755461ad78e41c1f60d3ca80ae0a97d2a9924' ,
rawTransaction : '0x08f887808505d21dba00830dbba094a9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6880de0b6b3a76400009472519cf34d9aa14629e7ad0cad5d55a3bb398364f847f845824e43a0ea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5ca05e5d250db3c31a193dbe5289935755461ad78e41c1f60d3ca80ae0a97d2a9924' ,
txHash : '0x1b5759e8060ac01ba94437bd115ecf471ba05e144f4874dd5b82a8379aa98a63' ,
senderTxHash : '0x1b5759e8060ac01ba94437bd115ecf471ba05e144f4874dd5b82a8379aa98a63' ,
signatures : [
'0x4e43' ,
'0xea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5c' ,
// signTransaction without privateKey parameter
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransaction ({
from : '0x72519cf34d9aa14629e7ad0cad5d55a3bb398364' ,
to : '0xa9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6' ,
value : caver . utils .toPeb ( 1 , 'KLAY' ) ,
gas : 900000 ,
}) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0xf003c68467424eed29b55d3d107167b207adb6bba66f8b9b73b7df824beb144c' ,
v : '0x4e43' ,
r : '0xea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5c' ,
s : '0x5e5d250db3c31a193dbe5289935755461ad78e41c1f60d3ca80ae0a97d2a9924' ,
rawTransaction : '0x08f887808505d21dba00830dbba094a9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6880de0b6b3a76400009472519cf34d9aa14629e7ad0cad5d55a3bb398364f847f845824e43a0ea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5ca05e5d250db3c31a193dbe5289935755461ad78e41c1f60d3ca80ae0a97d2a9924' ,
txHash : '0x1b5759e8060ac01ba94437bd115ecf471ba05e144f4874dd5b82a8379aa98a63' ,
senderTxHash : '0x1b5759e8060ac01ba94437bd115ecf471ba05e144f4874dd5b82a8379aa98a63' ,
signatures : [
'0x4e43' ,
'0xea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5c' ,
// signTransaction with array of private keys
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransaction ({
from : '0x72519cf34d9aa14629e7ad0cad5d55a3bb398364' ,
to : '0xa9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6' ,
value : caver . utils .toPeb ( 1 , 'KLAY' ) ,
gas : 900000 ,
} , [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ]) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0xf003c68467424eed29b55d3d107167b207adb6bba66f8b9b73b7df824beb144c' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0xf9e93c6dc3227a4cde633dc7a9b3c5e81ceb1879bfcf138d6205b2d49cdef60b' ,
s : '0x0787d1a42c75d6d708ddb7552c6470ad15e58da6259cdf48e508f577187fad20' ,
rawTransaction: '0x08f8ce808505d21dba00830dbba094a9d2cc2bb853163b6eadfb6f962d72f7e00bc2e6880de0b6b3a76400009472519cf34d9aa14629e7ad0cad5d55a3bb398364f88ef845824e44a0f9e93c6dc3227a4cde633dc7a9b3c5e81ceb1879bfcf138d6205b2d49cdef60ba00787d1a42c75d6d708ddb7552c6470ad15e58da6259cdf48e508f577187fad20f845824e43a0ea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5ca05e5d250db3c31a193dbe5289935755461ad78e41c1f60d3ca80ae0a97d2a9924',
txHash : '0x1dfac8cb1ab9c25de93758652f3cded2537355e2207c45ba39442b7cb700e8fd' ,
senderTxHash : '0x1dfac8cb1ab9c25de93758652f3cded2537355e2207c45ba39442b7cb700e8fd' ,
signatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0xf9e93c6dc3227a4cde633dc7a9b3c5e81ceb1879bfcf138d6205b2d49cdef60b' ,
] ,
'0x4e43' ,
'0xea3bba902857eb58bed048fd1b94c5d99881e4356221d6e1e6e873401abf3a5c' ,
// signTransaction with fee payer's private key
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransaction ({
senderRawTransaction : '0x09f886819a8505d21dba00830dbba094d05c5926b0a2f31aadcc9a9cbd3868a50104d834019476d1cc1cdb081de8627cab2c074f02ebc7bce0d0f847f845820fe9a0c5ea5b57f460bbc76101bafa2ed16228af0c0094d31a8a799e430278b4360724a0240afd7cf426e6aababdc59a3935b97aac4e059b59ba85ccedc75c95168abcfb80c4c3018080' ,
feePayer : '0x6e75945404daa4130a338af01199244b1eae2a0b'
} , '0x{private key}' ) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0xec121b6f7e2925166bcb1e6f14fd0b078f1168b6feca9340db7bd31998d14043' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0xf68d2c65563baee7a76d5f75aaadbfecf4ae3f55b349013f740159edd38465d9' ,
s : '0x5146c0bbe998a7ba6e7c8f5aef7eb5fea0b4b7429713d65e38b2435f6a575300' ,
rawTransaction: '0x09f8de819a8505d21dba00830dbba094d05c5926b0a2f31aadcc9a9cbd3868a50104d834019476d1cc1cdb081de8627cab2c074f02ebc7bce0d0f847f845820fe9a0c5ea5b57f460bbc76101bafa2ed16228af0c0094d31a8a799e430278b4360724a0240afd7cf426e6aababdc59a3935b97aac4e059b59ba85ccedc75c95168abcfb946e75945404daa4130a338af01199244b1eae2a0bf847f845824e44a0f68d2c65563baee7a76d5f75aaadbfecf4ae3f55b349013f740159edd38465d9a05146c0bbe998a7ba6e7c8f5aef7eb5fea0b4b7429713d65e38b2435f6a575300',
txHash : '0xf31ab04d9ccdb93262a4349afabd68326db0d61452c06259ed8ea91bc09ca295' ,
senderTxHash : '0x1b7c0f2fc7548056e90d9690e8c397acf99eb38e622ac91ee22c2085065f8a55' ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0xf68d2c65563baee7a76d5f75aaadbfecf4ae3f55b349013f740159edd38465d9' ,
// signTransaction without fee payer's private key
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransaction ({
senderRawTransaction : '0x09f886819a8505d21dba00830dbba094d05c5926b0a2f31aadcc9a9cbd3868a50104d834019476d1cc1cdb081de8627cab2c074f02ebc7bce0d0f847f845820fe9a0c5ea5b57f460bbc76101bafa2ed16228af0c0094d31a8a799e430278b4360724a0240afd7cf426e6aababdc59a3935b97aac4e059b59ba85ccedc75c95168abcfb80c4c3018080' ,
feePayer : '0x6e75945404daa4130a338af01199244b1eae2a0b'
}) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0xec121b6f7e2925166bcb1e6f14fd0b078f1168b6feca9340db7bd31998d14043' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0xf68d2c65563baee7a76d5f75aaadbfecf4ae3f55b349013f740159edd38465d9' ,
s : '0x5146c0bbe998a7ba6e7c8f5aef7eb5fea0b4b7429713d65e38b2435f6a575300' ,
rawTransaction: '0x09f8de819a8505d21dba00830dbba094d05c5926b0a2f31aadcc9a9cbd3868a50104d834019476d1cc1cdb081de8627cab2c074f02ebc7bce0d0f847f845820fe9a0c5ea5b57f460bbc76101bafa2ed16228af0c0094d31a8a799e430278b4360724a0240afd7cf426e6aababdc59a3935b97aac4e059b59ba85ccedc75c95168abcfb946e75945404daa4130a338af01199244b1eae2a0bf847f845824e44a0f68d2c65563baee7a76d5f75aaadbfecf4ae3f55b349013f740159edd38465d9a05146c0bbe998a7ba6e7c8f5aef7eb5fea0b4b7429713d65e38b2435f6a575300',
txHash : '0xf31ab04d9ccdb93262a4349afabd68326db0d61452c06259ed8ea91bc09ca295' ,
senderTxHash : '0x1b7c0f2fc7548056e90d9690e8c397acf99eb38e622ac91ee22c2085065f8a55' ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0xf68d2c65563baee7a76d5f75aaadbfecf4ae3f55b349013f740159edd38465d9' ,
Copy caver . klay . accounts .signTransactionWithHash (txHash , privateKeys [ , chainId] [ , callback])
주어진 트랜잭션 해시와 개인키로 Klaytn 트랜잭션에 서명합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.signTransactionWithHash
는 caver-js v1.3.2-rc.2 부터 지원됩니다.
(optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second.
Return Value
가 Array
을 반환: 서명들이 있는 배열입니다.
배열에 있는 각 서명 객체는 다음 값들을 가집니다:
Copy // sign transaction with single private key and chain id
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransactionWithHash ( '0x583d887614e1ce674c05fcd050a661f0631c23ed1f95fa43fefcc25e6383bca1' , '0x{priavte key}' , '0x3e9' ) .then ( console .log)
V : '0x07f5' ,
R : '0x66eb2dbb90295b7541de72f2d34002bac3f00a94501453b310b25a0da62446a5' ,
S : '0x1c7c3aefabc042b055489f5b899df55439fe1851858d61e8eb6c4b44be35c227'
// sign transaction with single private key
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransactionWithHash ( '0x583d887614e1ce674c05fcd050a661f0631c23ed1f95fa43fefcc25e6383bca1' , '0x{priavte key}' ) .then ( console .log)
V : '0x07f5' ,
R : '0x66eb2dbb90295b7541de72f2d34002bac3f00a94501453b310b25a0da62446a5' ,
S : '0x1c7c3aefabc042b055489f5b899df55439fe1851858d61e8eb6c4b44be35c227'
// sign transaction with mulitple private keys and chain id
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransactionWithHash ( '0x583d887614e1ce674c05fcd050a661f0631c23ed1f95fa43fefcc25e6383bca1' , [ '0x{priavte key}' , '0x{priavte key}' ] , '0x3e9' ) .then ( console .log)
V : '0x07f5' ,
R : '0x66eb2dbb90295b7541de72f2d34002bac3f00a94501453b310b25a0da62446a5' ,
S : '0x1c7c3aefabc042b055489f5b899df55439fe1851858d61e8eb6c4b44be35c227'
} ,
V : '0x07f6' ,
R : '0x946ce0288ee98b56160fadae8ec38e36828cf764f897f68f93157a2dc286d4aa' ,
S : '0x049ab3f5e91cec831124bdb10782e38de3a02a803ca2dd61a50da81cf5c4f8ef'
// sign transaction with mulitple private keys
> caver . klay . accounts .signTransactionWithHash ( '0x583d887614e1ce674c05fcd050a661f0631c23ed1f95fa43fefcc25e6383bca1' , [ '0x{priavte key}' , '0x{priavte key}' ]) .then ( console .log)
V : '0x07f5' ,
R : '0x66eb2dbb90295b7541de72f2d34002bac3f00a94501453b310b25a0da62446a5' ,
S : '0x1c7c3aefabc042b055489f5b899df55439fe1851858d61e8eb6c4b44be35c227'
} ,
V : '0x07f6' ,
R : '0x946ce0288ee98b56160fadae8ec38e36828cf764f897f68f93157a2dc286d4aa' ,
S : '0x049ab3f5e91cec831124bdb10782e38de3a02a803ca2dd61a50da81cf5c4f8ef'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .feePayerSignTransaction (tx , feePayerAddress [ , privateKey] [ , callback])
트랜잭션 수수료 납부자로서 트랜잭션에 서명합니다.
트랜잭션 수수료 납부자는 FEE_DELEGATED 트랜잭션에 서명할 수 있습니다. 트랜잭션 객체 또는 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션은 인자로 전달될 수 있습니다.
privateKay가 주어지지 않으면 caver-js 인메모리 지갑에 있는 수수료 납부자 계정의 feePayerKey가 사용됩니다.
feePayerSignTransaction keeps the existing signatures/feePayerSignatures in the input transaction and appends the fee-payer signature(s) to it.
See Sending a Transaction with multiple signer for how to combine multiple users' signatures into a single rawTransaction.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.feePayerSignTransaction
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
Transaction object or RLP-encoded transaction string (rawTransaction). The properties of a transaction object varies depending on the transaction type. For the description of each transaction type, see caver.klay.sendTransaction .
(optional) The private key to sign with.
(optional) Optional callback, returns an error object as the first parameter and the result as the second.
Return Value
returning Object
: The RLP encoded signed transaction. The object properties are as follows:
The hash of the given message.
caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction을 사용하여 전송할 준비가 된 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션입니다.
Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash
트랜잭션 수수료 납부자의 서명으로 이루어진 배열입니다.
NOTE The txHash
and senderTxHash
in the result object may not be the final values. If another sender signature is added, txHash and senderTxHash will change. If a fee-payer signature is added, txHash will change.
Copy // feePayerSignTransaction with transaction object
> caver . klay . accounts .feePayerSignTransaction ({
from : '0x9230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1' ,
to : '0x715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf523' ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 900000 ,
} , '0x2e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52' , '0x90300d268bb2bad69f5b24e2ac1409a9416cc814254b356ce96b3f75c4364716' ) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0x4cc0a423199d374d412cd3f92777a8f82bfc47b701d0df1f82b0d932802c955e' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
s : '0x4fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7' ,
rawTransaction : '0x09f899808505d21dba00830dbba094715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf52301949230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1c4c3018080942e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52f847f845824e44a02a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730a04fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7' ,
txHash : '0xead2cdf961090d014044de7ac78e3f9522b430edcd0ea4d3299811464ed636ea' ,
senderTxHash : '0x5e0bfce81dca4d6ec5ebeaff8a55fe5dd6d77e6292ee0548c12d7a7aaaff1300' ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
// feePayerSignTransaction with transaction object defines signatures
// rawTransaction in result will include signatures
> caver . klay . accounts .feePayerSignTransaction ({
from : '0x9230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1' ,
to : '0x715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf523' ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 900000 ,
signatures : [[ '0x4e44' , '0xd31041fe47da32fe03cf644186f50f39beaa969f73deb189d1a51706715215ec' , '0x335961d9b38027a01d6b97842c036725a8d4781b5010c47ddb85756687c2def9' ]]
} , '0x2e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52' , '0x90300d268bb2bad69f5b24e2ac1409a9416cc814254b356ce96b3f75c4364716' ) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0x4cc0a423199d374d412cd3f92777a8f82bfc47b701d0df1f82b0d932802c955e' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
s : '0x4fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7' ,
rawTransaction: '0x09f8dd808505d21dba00830dbba094715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf52301949230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1f847f845824e44a0d31041fe47da32fe03cf644186f50f39beaa969f73deb189d1a51706715215eca0335961d9b38027a01d6b97842c036725a8d4781b5010c47ddb85756687c2def9942e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52f847f845824e44a02a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730a04fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7',
txHash : '0x19006aa7228aa50000bab00ecccde8232516b8e1dce6835528d57561a79b5d3d' ,
senderTxHash : '0x7aa6d0b4146020ae38c07c2c9efc26030bd667b9256981379b8cbc86acfd5b27' ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
// feePayerSignTransaction with transaction object defines feePayerSignatures
> caver . klay . accounts .feePayerSignTransaction ({
from : '0x9230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1' ,
to : '0x715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf523' ,
value : 1 ,
gas : 900000 ,
feePayerSignatures : [[ '0x4e44' , '0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' , '0x4fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7' ]]
} , '0x2e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52' , [ '0xa39599bb66c9f2346f789398d72232e9f218a0ec37e7bcf61cf40e52d860e3f7' , '0x8d4c1ffd743faefc711e72f17ff370419ece777c6be2e6a84ac1986806fd57ea' ]) .then ( console .log)
messageHash : '0x4cc0a423199d374d412cd3f92777a8f82bfc47b701d0df1f82b0d932802c955e' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
s : '0x4fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7' ,
rawTransaction: '0x09f90127808505d21dba00830dbba094715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf52301949230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1c4c3018080942e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52f8d5f845824e44a02a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730a04fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7f845824e44a0ec9ab57810b1f02960f2150b7931aefde5d8df9333b436ff11bc9666783358e3a055602d262c0b0ead09359ab0f00138dd7b5754d02694b4ee118bc99c9d8c44adf845824e44a030afe3d18d5a9e2b54d30326de856dbf9cf797e7ade2317d53675913129f863ca0711ab4c6cd60935c0b633679aac55f58443becd4194317f69746d2e829ad881c',
txHash : '0x2226428e0ca7221ba091d34efbb6e1575e90affc3901550850b479fbfe00f084' ,
senderTxHash : '0x5e0bfce81dca4d6ec5ebeaff8a55fe5dd6d77e6292ee0548c12d7a7aaaff1300' ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0xec9ab57810b1f02960f2150b7931aefde5d8df9333b436ff11bc9666783358e3' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0x30afe3d18d5a9e2b54d30326de856dbf9cf797e7ade2317d53675913129f863c' ,
// feePayerSignTransaction with RLP encoded transaction string(rawTransaction)
> caver.klay.accounts.feePayerSignTransaction('0x09f885808505d21dba00830dbba094715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf52301949230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1f847f845824e44a0d31041fe47da32fe03cf644186f50f39beaa969f73deb189d1a51706715215eca0335961d9b38027a01d6b97842c036725a8d4781b5010c47ddb85756687c2def980c4c3018080', '0x2e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52', '0x90300d268bb2bad69f5b24e2ac1409a9416cc814254b356ce96b3f75c4364716').then(console.log)
messageHash : '0x4cc0a423199d374d412cd3f92777a8f82bfc47b701d0df1f82b0d932802c955e' ,
v : '0x4e44' ,
r : '0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
s : '0x4fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7' ,
rawTransaction: '0x09f8dd808505d21dba00830dbba094715139255d5e300b431722ec9666ac2350cbf52301949230c09295dd8b9c02b6ae138ffe3133b58b25c1f847f845824e44a0d31041fe47da32fe03cf644186f50f39beaa969f73deb189d1a51706715215eca0335961d9b38027a01d6b97842c036725a8d4781b5010c47ddb85756687c2def9942e4351e950d8d43444ac789cc9e87ba35340ad52f847f845824e44a02a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730a04fdf1e4483f8c07c5ea180eea1af11fcd7fc32f6b6dded39eb8cb4a1f2e9f5a7',
txHash : '0x19006aa7228aa50000bab00ecccde8232516b8e1dce6835528d57561a79b5d3d' ,
senderTxHash : '0x7aa6d0b4146020ae38c07c2c9efc26030bd667b9256981379b8cbc86acfd5b27' ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x2a2cdce5dd2fea8e717f94457700ca9cfa43fd5b09b57b1c8dc9cd2e73ac2730' ,
Copy caver . klay . accounts .recoverTransaction (rawTransaction)
주어진 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션에 서명하는 데 사용된 Klaytn 주소를 복구합니다.
The RLP encoded transaction.
Return Value
The Klaytn address used to sign this transaction.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .recoverTransaction ( '0xf86180808401ef364594f0109fc8df283027b6285cc889f5aa624eac1f5580801ca031573280d608f75137e33fc14655f097867d691d5c4c44ebe5ae186070ac3d5ea0524410802cdc025034daefcdfa08e7d2ee3f0b9d9ae184b2001fe0aff07603d9' );
Copy caver . klay . accounts .hashMessage (message)
주어진 메시지를 caver.klay.accounts.recover 에 전달하기 위해 순서대로 해시를 취합니다. 데이터는 UTF-8 HEX 디코딩되며 다음과 같이 포함됩니다:
Copy "\x19Klaytn Signed Message:\n" + message.length + message
keccak256로 해시를 취합니다.
A message to hash. If it is a HEX string, it will be UTF-8 decoded first.
Return Value
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .hashMessage ( "Hello World" )
// the below results in the same hash
> caver . klay . accounts .hashMessage ( caver . utils .utf8ToHex ( "Hello World" ))
Copy caver . klay . accounts .sign (data , privateKey)
임의의 데이터에 서명합니다. 데이터는 UTF-8 HEX 디코딩되기 전이며 다음과 같이 포함됩니다:
Copy "\x19Klaytn Signed Message:\n" + message.length + message
The private key to sign with.
Return Value
: 서명된 데이터 RLP 인코딩된 서명. 서명값은 다음과 같습니다:
The hash of the given message.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .sign ( 'Some data' , '0x{private key}' );
message : 'Some data' ,
messageHash : '0x8ed2036502ed7f485b81feaec1c581d236a8b711e55a24077724879c8a263c2a' ,
v : '0x1b' ,
r : '0x4a57bcff1637346a4323a67acd7a478514d9f00576f42942d50a5ca0e4b0342b' ,
s : '0x5914e19a8ebc10ce1450b00a3b9c1bf0ce01909bca3ffdead1aa3a791a97b5ac' ,
signature : '0x4a57bcff1637346a4323a67acd7a478514d9f00576f42942d50a5ca0e4b0342b5914e19a8ebc10ce1450b00a3b9c1bf0ce01909bca3ffdead1aa3a791a97b5ac1b'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .recover (signatureObject)
caver . klay . accounts .recover (message , signature [ , preFixed])
caver . klay . accounts .recover (message , v , r , s [ , preFixed])
Recovers the Klaytn address that was used to sign the given data.
message | signatureObject
서명된 메시지 또는 해시입니다. 서명 객체에 대한 자세한 내용은 아래 표를 참조하세요.
The hash of the given message.
원시(raw) RLP 인코딩된 서명, 또는 v, r, s 값인 매개변수 2-4입니다.
(선택 사항, 기본값: false
) 마지막 매개 변수가 true
이면, 제공된 메시지에 자동으로 "\x19Klaytn Signed Message:\n" + message.length + message
접두사가 붙지 않으며 이미 접두사가 있다고 가정합니다.
서명 객체는 다음과 같은 값을 가집니다:
"\x19Klaytn Signed Message:\n" + message.length + message
접두사가 붙어 있는 주어진 메세지의 해시입니다.
Return Value
The Klaytn address used to sign this data.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .recover ({
messageHash : '0x8ed2036502ed7f485b81feaec1c581d236a8b711e55a24077724879c8a263c2a' ,
v : '0x1b' ,
r : '0x4a57bcff1637346a4323a67acd7a478514d9f00576f42942d50a5ca0e4b0342b' ,
s : '0x5914e19a8ebc10ce1450b00a3b9c1bf0ce01909bca3ffdead1aa3a791a97b5ac' ,
// message, signature
> caver . klay . accounts .recover ( 'Some data' , '0x4a57bcff1637346a4323a67acd7a478514d9f00576f42942d50a5ca0e4b0342b5914e19a8ebc10ce1450b00a3b9c1bf0ce01909bca3ffdead1aa3a791a97b5ac1b' );
// message, v, r, s
> caver . klay . accounts .recover ( 'Some data' , '0x1b' , '0x4a57bcff1637346a4323a67acd7a478514d9f00576f42942d50a5ca0e4b0342b' , '0x5914e19a8ebc10ce1450b00a3b9c1bf0ce01909bca3ffdead1aa3a791a97b5ac' );
Copy caver . klay . accounts .combineSignatures (rawTransactions)
RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션 문자열의 배열을 단일 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션 문자열로 결합합니다. 결합하려는 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션 문자열은 모두 동일한 트랜잭션에 서명한 것이어야 합니다.
combineSignatures는 signatures 또는 feePayerSignatures에서 중복 값은 제거합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.combineSignatures
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션 문자열(rawTransaction)의 배열입니다.
Return Value
는 Object
를 반환: RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션. The object properties are as follows:
caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction을 사용하여 전송할 준비가 된 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션입니다.
Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash
(선택 사항) 결합된 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션(rawTransaction)에 있는 모든 서명들입니다. 서명들이 없으면 결과 객체에 signatures
속성이 반환되지 않습니다.
(선택 사항) 결합된 RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션(rawTransaction)에 있는 모든 feePayerSignatures 입니다. feePayerSignatures가 없으면 결과 객체에 feePayerSignatures
속성이 반환되지 않습니다.
NOTE The txHash
and senderTxHash
in the result object may not be the final values. If another sender signature is added, txHash and senderTxHash will change. If a fee-payer signature is added, txHash will change.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .combineSignatures ([
'0x39f8b6128505d21dba00830dbba094596c3b874dc5775c3969b09a3115f453c20a59abf88ef845824e44a0f530749561d1cf87571b2c3050ded6acc94621eb984335129f4057e843109e30a0738aef5227c29c022167d9e95f4090b9a49ef550d5deaaa25c1f6298ea3a5292f845824e43a01fa5a80bb06f5787b1ac81d8b48578627be7a3b725d2e3722a85b0e31f71a445a003dff23bb2947d1819ec91eb695e8bc8b96bc591a2b855fa1495f5bbf896b91780c4c3018080' ,
]) .then ( console .log)
rawTransaction: '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',
txHash : '0x3dac67978ffca834e6ff188e5937d81daab0669a7871f6ffae4ede53fb2a20ac' ,
senderTxHash : '0xbb29f73faca65b39b1d33d94e23343f48f22a05531989d031f557460b08f27d4' ,
signatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0xf530749561d1cf87571b2c3050ded6acc94621eb984335129f4057e843109e30' ,
'0x738aef5227c29c022167d9e95f4090b9a49ef550d5deaaa25c1f6298ea3a5292' ,
] ,
'0x4e43' ,
'0x1fa5a80bb06f5787b1ac81d8b48578627be7a3b725d2e3722a85b0e31f71a445' ,
'0x03dff23bb2947d1819ec91eb695e8bc8b96bc591a2b855fa1495f5bbf896b917' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0x6a28576af9368a2056ba61d21390f484b487eba2210ee99b76615441a78f375d' ,
'0x5d39f38e05d2ea80c2c1150374ca77d46b119d040101ebfc593f2a1963da4096' ,
] ,
] ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x0ca8405f35535cf82105a0596fcbd5c4cf228ce0d269c760246f9e10d6820566' ,
'0x2f905e44a2db94fe985158f81979cbcb7ba138cb1f2fb82bc9bd043701ec2025' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0xfeb42d7ed1519f93ddbc3093834934c6c7a15d843dfc8e7d14f78ecf3aa1d848' ,
'0x271a2e8caf98d6ab79f9f4f6fdbe1c01e85aeea503b350ec69c6580320d53b06' ,
] ,
] ,
Copy caver . klay . accounts .getRawTransactionWithSignatures (tx [ , callback])
주어진 트랜잭션 객체에서 서명된 RLP 인코딩 트랜잭션 문자열을 반환합니다. 트랜잭션 객체는 signatures 및 feePayerSignatures를 제공해야 합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.getRawTransactionWithSignatures
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
signatures와 feePayerSignatures를 포함하고 있는 트랜잭션 객체입니다. The properties of a transaction object varies depending on the transaction type. For the description of each transaction type, see caver.klay.sendTransaction .
Return Value
returning Object
: An RLP encoded transaction. The object properties are as follows:
An RLP encoded transaction, ready to send using caver.klay.sendSignedTransaction.
Hash of a transaction that is signed only by the sender. See SenderTxHash
(선택 사항) RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션(rawTransaction)에 있는 모든 서명들입니다. If there are no signatures, the signatures
property is not returned in the result object.
(선택 사항) RLP 인코딩된 트랜잭션(rawTransaction)에 있는 모든 feePayerSignatures 입니다. If there are no feePayerSignatures, the feePayerSignatures
property is not returned in the result object.
참고 반환되는 객체에 있는 txHash
와 senderTxHash
는 최종 값이 아닐 수 있습니다. 발신자 서명이 추가되면 txHash와 senderTxHash가 변경됩니다. 수수료 납부자 서명이 추가되면 txHash가 변경됩니다.
Copy // get rawTransaction with signatures
> caver . klay . accounts .getRawTransactionWithSignatures ({
from : '0x85fd20bcbd1dcf73073c0abfa72afbde5e8c9a79' ,
to : '0x6757d85d8b636044ef3bd2904daf8883cd2e3381' ,
data : '0xd14e62b80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005' ,
gas : '0xdbba0' ,
chainId : '0x2710' ,
gasPrice : '0x5d21dba00' ,
nonce : '0xf' ,
humanReadable : false ,
signatures : [
'0x4e43' ,
'0x9610d4f6d6f55e44f5f29f1a08538c9871d39c7295834db5a28b7358cf23a8a6' ,
'0x6dc41f04c570a08a20aadc8eb4801aa3ee68b11f280e14d0e458f97f8c708175' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0x35cc2637cd68799f9a71c8e79fb5171351dd3cb5402dc0a3f291728527c9db48' ,
'0x7e3ac1ac64094ebc49c41ff6cb57b8f8eae18f5d7f2db0900117d816a1e30594' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0xfc4fe6436212d35a2417e3414119608f626400bd265fba0417f80a7cf9694a20' ,
'0x7d0f996f41355b18781833a6e227356db03bcec71d0c16a4d7249eaa3fe89507' ,
] ,
] ,
}) .then ( console .log)
rawTransaction: '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',
txHash : '0x94e6edb47fa258671745a433f1a08f5546b18a634f43e854c2bec1a40a7e8df0' ,
senderTxHash : '0xcb1138abbef61a42cc846957b72a27329e80395911593f201f49c70c06408385' ,
signatures : [
'0x4e43' ,
'0x9610d4f6d6f55e44f5f29f1a08538c9871d39c7295834db5a28b7358cf23a8a6' ,
'0x6dc41f04c570a08a20aadc8eb4801aa3ee68b11f280e14d0e458f97f8c708175' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0x35cc2637cd68799f9a71c8e79fb5171351dd3cb5402dc0a3f291728527c9db48' ,
'0x7e3ac1ac64094ebc49c41ff6cb57b8f8eae18f5d7f2db0900117d816a1e30594' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0xfc4fe6436212d35a2417e3414119608f626400bd265fba0417f80a7cf9694a20' ,
'0x7d0f996f41355b18781833a6e227356db03bcec71d0c16a4d7249eaa3fe89507' ,
] ,
] ,
// get rawTransaction with signatures and feePayerSignatures
> caver . klay . accounts .getRawTransactionWithSignatures ({
from : '0x85fd20bcbd1dcf73073c0abfa72afbde5e8c9a79' ,
to : '0x6757d85d8b636044ef3bd2904daf8883cd2e3381' ,
data : '0xd14e62b80000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005' ,
gas : '0xdbba0' ,
chainId : '0x2710' ,
gasPrice : '0x5d21dba00' ,
nonce : '0xf' ,
humanReadable : false ,
signatures : [
'0x4e43' ,
'0x9610d4f6d6f55e44f5f29f1a08538c9871d39c7295834db5a28b7358cf23a8a6' ,
'0x6dc41f04c570a08a20aadc8eb4801aa3ee68b11f280e14d0e458f97f8c708175' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0x35cc2637cd68799f9a71c8e79fb5171351dd3cb5402dc0a3f291728527c9db48' ,
'0x7e3ac1ac64094ebc49c41ff6cb57b8f8eae18f5d7f2db0900117d816a1e30594' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0xfc4fe6436212d35a2417e3414119608f626400bd265fba0417f80a7cf9694a20' ,
'0x7d0f996f41355b18781833a6e227356db03bcec71d0c16a4d7249eaa3fe89507' ,
] ,
] ,
feePayer : '0x918f31cce0d9582882663fe9099226d3912c9d13' ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x5991f915a32ad719da138efecdcc3d169ad71fde31eba03be91991681d53f881' ,
'0x3653c82d6d99839699c3dfea470fcc777cda5b6185a1678c19d5fd7605c04a97' ,
] ,
] ,
}) .then ( console .log)
rawTransaction: '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',
txHash : '0xf015dd519c909a80c111219ab2c5139d01a2e4121f801e8f45e519eafd421db6' ,
senderTxHash : '0xcb1138abbef61a42cc846957b72a27329e80395911593f201f49c70c06408385' ,
signatures : [
'0x4e43' ,
'0x9610d4f6d6f55e44f5f29f1a08538c9871d39c7295834db5a28b7358cf23a8a6' ,
'0x6dc41f04c570a08a20aadc8eb4801aa3ee68b11f280e14d0e458f97f8c708175' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0x35cc2637cd68799f9a71c8e79fb5171351dd3cb5402dc0a3f291728527c9db48' ,
'0x7e3ac1ac64094ebc49c41ff6cb57b8f8eae18f5d7f2db0900117d816a1e30594' ,
] ,
'0x4e44' ,
'0xfc4fe6436212d35a2417e3414119608f626400bd265fba0417f80a7cf9694a20' ,
'0x7d0f996f41355b18781833a6e227356db03bcec71d0c16a4d7249eaa3fe89507' ,
] ,
] ,
feePayerSignatures : [
'0x4e44' ,
'0x5991f915a32ad719da138efecdcc3d169ad71fde31eba03be91991681d53f881' ,
'0x3653c82d6d99839699c3dfea470fcc777cda5b6185a1678c19d5fd7605c04a97' ,
] ,
] ,
Copy caver . klay . accounts .encrypt (encryptTarget , password [ , options])
Klaytn 키스토어 표준으로 계정을 암호화합니다. For more information, please refer to KIP-3 .
참고 caver-js v1.2.0 부터, caver.klay.accounts.encrypt
는 다양한 AccountKey 타입(AccountKeyPublic, AccountKeyMultiSig, AccountKeyRoleBased)을 지원하기 키스토어 v4 표준을 사용하여 암호화합니다. 키스토어 v3를 사용해 계정을 암호화하려면, caver.klay.accounts.encryptV3 를 사용하시기 바랍니다.
암호화할 개인키 또는 Klaytn 지갑 키입니다. caver-js v1.2.0 부터 encryptTarget은 Account 또는 AccountKey(AccountKeyPublic, AccountKeyMultiSig 또는 AccountKeyRoleBased)의 인스턴스, 개인키 문자열의 배열 또는 역할별 키를 정의한 객체일 수 있습니다.
The password used for encryption.
(optional) The options
parameter allows you to specify the values to use when using encrypt. options 객체를 사용하여 분리된(decoupled) 계정을 암호화할 수도 있습니다. options
사용법은 아래 예시를 참조하세요.
참고 encryptTarget에서 계정 주소를 추출할 수 없는 경우 또는 계정의 개인키가 주소에서 분리된 경우, 반드시 options 객체에 address 값을 명시해야 합니다. (encryptTarget은 AccountKeyMultiSig, AccountKeyRoleBased, 개인키 문자열의 배열, 또는 역할별 키를 정의한 객체가 될 수 있습니다.)
참고 : 주소에서 개인키가 분리된 경우 개인키를 암호화하는 두 가지 방법이 있습니다.
주소를 매개변수로 보내기 위해 options.address
를 사용하세요.
Return Value
암호화된 키스토어 JSON입니다. caver-js v1.2.0 부터 키스토어 v4가 사용됩니다. 아래 예제는 키스토어 v3 및 v4를 모두 보여줍니다.
Copy // encrypt to keystore v4 JSON.
// Encrypt with a private key string
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ( '0x{private key}' , 'test' )
version : 4 ,
id : '6b4c9eb2-9dc6-46d4-88b6-bb1fa511ead1' ,
address : '0x5aac93bcce8834c02600c2df7f031bc76f37276c' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : 'eda10e7b55de386aeb212f99644cdbfa52b96bf07747e74e5e60bd6c39fa88aa' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'd626fa3c140c93b27fb995264bee9c4e' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : 'e85fd7a0801ed5221a769844a225a3663886e0e235fbc972c31a129df5cadb6c' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'bc19774bf5db92919273ca72f8f3137019d658e7850e31ff454635db4a1d5dbe' ,
} ,
] ,
// Encrypt with an array of private key strings
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ([ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] , 'test' , { address : '0xe1d711ee2ac2dfec5b1e6ea583c8270b7575702a' })
version : 4 ,
id : 'ae5e94fc-0ab4-4a54-8655-4fab51b92e4a' ,
address : '0xe1d711ee2ac2dfec5b1e6ea583c8270b7575702a' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : 'd84db9f8cd5206cf9dae524fbb15f4c09c93f447352cb3a6ac3ef182f9056686' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '7a7bc290306bf39db79b425a5fe7333b' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '35cc3deab2a096ae1d2d62a2c1cb7d0c5481d9127cae3c35b1540be2b9fc2175' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : '87eecd98c857e4c416b63a3731fcf811cb055adf2967d5272e4aa77974dbf2a6' ,
} ,
ciphertext : '8d6c3036fecbd6976734711ec69068180b4e5ec90e06797d92be8243eae35f19' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '191fcc2402b82d7039bd651b29f42cbc' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : 'cbf12acbba50120783aa0ad4ff35f11daa8972dcb728e11445dd1ec38be2e091' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : '216b8a04022234d8127eafb9bdb3a72b18f6c94a05469d9bbd76d26e67cb63a2' ,
} ,
] ,
// Encrypt with an object
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ({ transactionKey : [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ] , updateKey : '0x{private key}' , feePayerKey : '0x{private key}' } , 'test' , { address : '0xe1d711ee2ac2dfec5b1e6ea583c8270b7575702a' })
version : 4 ,
id : '99d27cfe-8e3f-427c-bd4c-e4e3cd43955b' ,
address : '0xe1d711ee2ac2dfec5b1e6ea583c8270b7575702a' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : '07a3d8c1c6a01734e429bb4ea88d282b3547fa422653f9547c0544bfca011af0' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '707177c48b5bfc1f88e91f10eb327b1b' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '452f3e41d9e58b42d348b326319fc27b29ed5f5177e063087f8cb272c6b73fe3' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'bccd141b9056f7ee26b8e9a4ef52d231403162ed2593df8f2e6b2f2d26a737d2' ,
} ,
ciphertext : 'c94defa5049b910eb57d46125e3dbdb9d32bfb85f3915aa96e25e75d2346970f' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'fae425c4a44c881e629ccdc0fcf53916' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '37302d0a0625321193e482da55e19a0a51ac250cf4857ecb13112b8c88cbdf44' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : '04f7b2879b7e9604356fd4db532c981b4eaa95078c25694e591e7cc2a5c613f1' ,
} ,
] ,
ciphertext : '015ef2deab867b887fa29c866941512af848e4b547d74a39f44cc4c9ef204b5f' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '230271676c4501a860b19b325b1850a6' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : 'eb73f9cacea4e0b38634679102ab5b8f0e84464c2fa3ca07d11ebcdfb7a95519' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'd76a0f22b2f5a23dac30be820260b3fc738083b797d5c608b23bce8a69f63256' ,
} ,
] ,
ciphertext : '70870f4dd813fc7c0c4ef64ebba03f15c81677d2558d646b3d143ab8e0d27ec2' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '841be9a25127fca0cc79740763ec3e55' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '089ef66590b699c347caddafa592c8f074948b0ca6e2957bae45d005cd55a874' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : '6e1ad546d9e3ad1f3c3419ace4c9daf34a310001875b1a3228dbfd1891030bff' ,
} ,
] ,
] ,
// Encrypt decoupled account - 1. Use the KlaytnWalletKey format with the privateKey parameter.
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ( '0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}' , 'test' )
version : 4 ,
id : 'f320306e-4d67-4982-b1a9-7b455c744579' ,
address : '0x7d46813010aee975946d6ee9c7fb887eef6b318d' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : '745d306663b7cc09dbe6f3dbbf76d252bd5cb53613c6369e7e481edbf0bb31d1' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '0c502b449247166e6f3338346b82ea3d' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '171efaa9c12aa03d488c547651a3d1b2c745e305dffcaf4ad658ed1ae18882d8' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : '8cb52aff70971b9fd2b467b47aa493ae90e8823f4ff5cfafcf7c2e06a5aa2298' ,
} ,
] ,
// Encrypt decoupled account - 2. Use the options to send the address as a parameter.
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ( '0x{private key}' , 'test' , { address : '0x7d46813010aee975946d6ee9c7fb887eef6b318d' })
version : 4 ,
id : '2675a321-9054-48ae-97d8-bafa22ec07f5' ,
address : '0x7d46813010aee975946d6ee9c7fb887eef6b318d' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : 'aa51496d861a129c91e2fb92807afb7603156336b4681a6bf1569634fb51d330' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'cc4fda2a72f2904a7bd342318cc9a61f' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '672160453667bbe34c9a3adf997e92d1bd734ab28f6078807cad902b5b47fd92' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : '51ec88d578f94f1307f0d025cac4b0e6c0544498baa05266f0114d06c57155b4' ,
} ,
] ,
// Using options objects with encryption option values (scrypt)
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ( '0x{private key}' , 'test' , {
salt : '776ad46fde47572c58ba5b9616a661a1fbc4b9ff918300faeba04bb9ff5be04c' ,
iv : Buffer .from ( 'b62ef75e39fa396de62c51c4734b69a2' , 'hex' ) ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
dklen : 32 ,
n : 262144 ,
r : 8 ,
p : 1 ,
cipher : 'aes-128-cbc' ,
uuid : Buffer .from ( 'f0b40ab7d69fdd9606e2a5242dddd813' , 'hex' ) ,
version : 4 ,
id : 'f0b40ab7-d69f-4d96-86e2-a5242dddd813' ,
address : '0x5aac93bcce8834c02600c2df7f031bc76f37276c' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : 'd73c42f72b6c46c352442db20d04ea7bf571df29a01641e028ab97891069fad191a93b0082650ac4c951c75f400cc545' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'b62ef75e39fa396de62c51c4734b69a2' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-cbc' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '776ad46fde47572c58ba5b9616a661a1fbc4b9ff918300faeba04bb9ff5be04c' , n : 262144 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : '9a200c73ef48129a33ffef7c7246e8a08c4bcd308b18e341f25199f4f974dcd0' ,
} ,
] ,
// Using options objects with encryption option values (pbkdf2)
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ( '0x{private key}' , 'test' , {
salt : '776ad46fde47572c58ba5b9616a661a1fbc4b9ff918300faeba04bb9ff5be04c' ,
iv : Buffer .from ( 'b62ef75e39fa396de62c51c4734b69a2' , 'hex' ) ,
kdf : 'pbkdf2' ,
dklen : 32 ,
c : 262144 ,
cipher : 'aes-128-cbc' ,
uuid : Buffer .from ( 'f0b40ab7d69fdd9606e2a5242dddd813' , 'hex' ) ,
version : 4 ,
id : 'f0b40ab7-d69f-4d96-86e2-a5242dddd813' ,
address : '0x5aac93bcce8834c02600c2df7f031bc76f37276c' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : '58802ef723041431ec089041c23ae0d4b6b4d8fe56c920f587296b95b7645df439c3917da4f8a119ee0300609f4448d0' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'b62ef75e39fa396de62c51c4734b69a2' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-cbc' ,
kdf : 'pbkdf2' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '776ad46fde47572c58ba5b9616a661a1fbc4b9ff918300faeba04bb9ff5be04c' , c : 262144 , prf : 'hmac-sha256' } ,
mac : '2cac2a4dccb9127c6f7335135cfc5a8dda6c58cd4429cd3466b89d5d506f5930' ,
} ,
] ,
// encrypt to keystore v3 JSON. (If you want to encrypt to keystore v3, use a version earlier than caver-js v1.2.0.)
// Encrypt with a private key string
> caver . klay . accounts .encrypt ( '0x{private key}' , 'test!' )
version : 3 ,
id : '04e9bcbb-96fa-497b-94d1-14df4cd20af6' ,
address : '2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : 'a1c25da3ecde4e6a24f3697251dd15d6208520efc84ad97397e906e6df24d251' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '2885df2b63f7ef247d753c82fa20038a' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '4531b3c174cc3ff32a6a7a85d6761b410db674807b2d216d022318ceee50be10' , n : 262144 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'b8b010fff37f9ae5559a352a185e86f9b9c1d7f7a9f1bd4e82a5dd35468fc7f6'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .encryptV3 (encryptTarget , password [ , options])
Klaytn 키스토어 v3 표준으로 계정을 암호화합니다.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.encryptV3
는 caver-js v1.3.2-rc.1 부터 지원됩니다.
암호화할 개인키 또는 Klaytn 지갑 키, 계정 또는 AccountKeyPublic 인스턴스입니다.
The password used for encryption.
(optional) The options
parameter allows you to specify the values to use when using encrypt. options
객체를 사용하여 분리된(decoupled) 계정을 암호화할 수도 있습니다. options
사용법은 아래 3번째 예시를 참조하세요.
NOTE : There are two ways to encrypt the private key when an account has a decoupled private key from the address.
계정 주소를 options.address
파라미터로 전달합니다. 하단에 소개한 예시 중 3번째 예시를 참고하십시오.
Return Value
Copy // encrypt to keystore v3 JSON with single private key string.
> caver . klay . accounts .encryptV3 ( '0x{private key}' , 'test!' )
version : 3 ,
id : 'ff07b774-b572-4c76-a925-9e7650fb0488' ,
address : '0x4abe737d3c57dce9152988c714e9e4b341647650' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : '5a1c898fd89a7521e0034d297a46f029def59632416aef724a1f466f3c416958' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '8304ad468f10db5529fa480bfc170df7' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '3a98ebac3da3ad0edf7f1f237c86a3dd71a77002e4908991579ed52910c6f082' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'a5ed79b91ffe30baa22b2622bffbab97ea5cf893ba96249c7854e2d19295cc3d' ,
} ,
// encrypt to keystore v3 JSON with KlaytnWalletKey.
> caver . klay . accounts .encryptV3 ( '0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}' , 'test!' )
version : 3 ,
id : 'ff07b774-b572-4c76-a925-9e7650fb0488' ,
address : '0x4abe737d3c57dce9152988c714e9e4b341647650' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : '5a1c898fd89a7521e0034d297a46f029def59632416aef724a1f466f3c416958' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '8304ad468f10db5529fa480bfc170df7' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '3a98ebac3da3ad0edf7f1f237c86a3dd71a77002e4908991579ed52910c6f082' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'a5ed79b91ffe30baa22b2622bffbab97ea5cf893ba96249c7854e2d19295cc3d' ,
} ,
// encrypt to keystore v3 JSON with address field in options.
> caver . klay . accounts .encryptV3 ( '0x{private key}' , 'test!' , { address : '0x4abe737d3c57dce9152988c714e9e4b341647650' })
version : 3 ,
id : 'ff07b774-b572-4c76-a925-9e7650fb0488' ,
address : '0x4abe737d3c57dce9152988c714e9e4b341647650' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : '5a1c898fd89a7521e0034d297a46f029def59632416aef724a1f466f3c416958' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '8304ad468f10db5529fa480bfc170df7' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : '3a98ebac3da3ad0edf7f1f237c86a3dd71a77002e4908991579ed52910c6f082' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'a5ed79b91ffe30baa22b2622bffbab97ea5cf893ba96249c7854e2d19295cc3d' ,
} ,
Copy caver . klay . accounts .decrypt (keystoreJsonV3 , password)
키스토어 v3 또는 v4 JSON을 복호화하고 복호화된 계정 객체를 반환합니다.
참고 caver-js v1.2.0 부터, caver.klay.accounts.decrypt
는 키스토어 v4 형식을 복호화할 수 있습니다.
복호화할 암호화된 계정이 포함된 JSON 문자열입니다.
The password used for encryption.
Return Value
Copy // Decrypt keystore v4 JSON
> caver . klay . accounts .decrypt ({
version : 4 ,
id : '6b4c9eb2-9dc6-46d4-88b6-bb1fa511ead1' ,
address : '0x5aac93bcce8834c02600c2df7f031bc76f37276c' ,
keyring : [
ciphertext : 'eda10e7b55de386aeb212f99644cdbfa52b96bf07747e74e5e60bd6c39fa88aa' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'd626fa3c140c93b27fb995264bee9c4e' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : { dklen : 32 , salt : 'e85fd7a0801ed5221a769844a225a3663886e0e235fbc972c31a129df5cadb6c' , n : 4096 , r : 8 , p : 1 } ,
mac : 'bc19774bf5db92919273ca72f8f3137019d658e7850e31ff454635db4a1d5dbe' ,
} ,
] ,
} , 'test' )
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
// Decrypt keystroe v3 JSON
> caver . klay . accounts .decrypt ({
version : 3 ,
id : '04e9bcbb-96fa-497b-94d1-14df4cd20af6' ,
address : '2c7536e3605d9c16a7a3d7b1898e529396a65c23' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : 'a1c25da3ecde4e6a24f3697251dd15d6208520efc84ad97397e906e6df24d251' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '2885df2b63f7ef247d753c82fa20038a' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : {
dklen : 32 ,
salt : '4531b3c174cc3ff32a6a7a85d6761b410db674807b2d216d022318ceee50be10' ,
n : 262144 ,
r : 8 ,
p : 1
} ,
mac : 'b8b010fff37f9ae5559a352a185e86f9b9c1d7f7a9f1bd4e82a5dd35468fc7f6'
} , 'test!' )
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey]
Copy caver . klay . accounts .isDecoupled (key , address)
키가 주소에서 분리되었는지 확인합니다.
(선택 사항) 분리 여부를 확인하는 데 사용되는 주소입니다. 주소가 주어지지 않으면, 주소는 키에서 파생됩니다.
Return Value
키가 주소에서 분리되었으면 true
입니다. 분리되지 않은 경우 false
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .isDecoupled ( '0x{private key}' , '0x{address in hex}' )
> caver . klay . accounts .isDecoupled ( '0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}' )
> caver . klay . accounts .isDecoupled ( '0x{private key}' )
> caver . klay . accounts .isDecoupled ( '0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}' )
Copy caver . klay . accounts .getLegacyAccount (key)
주어진 개인키에서 파생된 주소를 가진 계정을 반환합니다. AccountKeyLegacy 를 참조하세요.
기존 계정 키가 있는 계정을 얻는 데 사용되는 매개변수입니다. Key can be a 32-byte string private key or a KlaytnWalletKey . KlaytnWalletKey에서는 개인키에 해당하는 부분만 사용됩니다.
Return Value
주어진 값의 기존 계정 키가 있는 계정 객체입니다. 키에서 추출된 주소 정보가 있으면 함께 반환됩니다.
Copy // getLegacyAccount with raw private key format
> caver . klay . accounts .getLegacyAccount ( '0x{private key}' )
legacyAccount : {
address : '0xE26D5d4983eD62A99D7D4Bc0cE0e784782fF6B27' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}'
} ,
klaytnWalletKeyAddress : ''
// getLegacyAccount with KlaytnWalletKey format
> caver . klay . accounts .getLegacyAccount ( '0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}' )
legacyAccount : {
address : '0xE26D5d4983eD62A99D7D4Bc0cE0e784782fF6B27' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}'
} ,
klaytnWalletKeyAddress : '0xE26D5d4983eD62A99D7D4Bc0cE0e784782fF6B27'
// getLegacyAccount with decoupled KlaytnWalletKey format
> caver . klay . accounts .getLegacyAccount ( '0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}' )
legacyAccount : {
address : '0xE26D5d4983eD62A99D7D4Bc0cE0e784782fF6B27' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}'
} ,
klaytnWalletKeyAddress : '0xd05c5926b0a2f31aadcc9a9cbd3868a50104d834'
Copy caver . klay . accounts .wallet
여러 계정이 있는 인메모리 지갑을 포함합니다. 이 계정들은 caver.klay.sendTransaction 를 사용할 때 쓸 수 있습니다.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .wallet;
Wallet {
'0' :
{ address : '0xce3bda34a14415f3bc2bcd5e61c48043857a6451' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 0 } ,
_accounts : Accounts { ... } ,
length : 1 ,
defaultKeyName : 'caverjs_wallet' ,
'0xce3bda34a14415f3bc2bcd5e61c48043857a6451' : { ... } ,
'0XCE3BDA34A14415F3BC2BCD5E61C48043857A6451' : { ... } ,
'0xce3bDa34A14415F3BC2bCd5E61C48043857a6451' : { ... }
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .create ([numberOfAccounts] [ , entropy])
무작위로 생성된 키 쌍을 사용하여 지갑에 하나 이상의 계정을 생성합니다. 지갑이 이미 존재하면, 덮어쓰지 않습니다.
(선택 사항) 생성할 계정 수입니다. 빈 지갑을 만들려면 비워두세요.
(optional) A random string to increase entropy. If none is given, a random string will be generated using randomHex .
Return Value
Copy > caver . klay . accounts . wallet .create ( 1 , 'entropy' );
Wallet {
'0' : { ... } ,
_accounts : Accounts { ... } ,
length : 1 ,
defaultKeyName : 'caverjs_wallet' ,
'0xc89cdd4258e17471fbaf75283b6a952451eb7f54' : { ... } ,
'0XC89CDD4258E17471FBAF75283B6A952451EB7F54' : { ... } ,
'0xC89cDD4258e17471fBaf75283b6A952451Eb7f54' : { ... }
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .add (account [ , targetAddress])
개인키 또는 계정 객체를 사용하여 계정을 지갑에 추가합니다.
참고 : 지갑에 동일한 주소가 있는 경우에는 오류가 반환됩니다. 지갑의 계정과 관련된 개인키를 변경하려면 caver.klay.accounts.wallet.updatePrivateKey 를 사용하세요.
주어진 개인키와 함께 사용될 목표 주소입니다.
참고 : caver-js는 두 가지 유형의 개인키 형식을 지원합니다. 하나는 32바이트 문자열 타입의 원시 개인키 형식이고 다른 하나는 KlaytnWalletKey 입니다.
Return Value
Copy > caver . klay . accounts . wallet .add ( '0x{private key}' );
address : '0xdac9f72e27f05eca08df7a2ea2d044b3ed3a6e54' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 4
// Use key '0x{private key}' as a private key
// for address '0xfe9157e180c8f4c229e88d0c1763a746db8b19b4'
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .add ( '0x{private key}' , '0xfe9157e180c8f4c229e88d0c1763a746db8b19b4' );
address : '0xfe9157e180c8f4c229e88d0c1763a746db8b19b4' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 5
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .add ({
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
address : '0xb8CE9ab6943e0eCED004cDe8e3bBed6568B2Fa01'
address : '0xb8CE9ab6943e0eCED004cDe8e3bBed6568B2Fa01' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 6
// Add wallet with KlaytnWalletKey format
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .add ( '0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}' );
address : '0x3bd32d55e64d6cbe54bec4f5200e678ee8d1a990' ,
privateKey : '0x{private key}' ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 1
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getAccount (addressOrIndex)
주소에 일치하는 키링 인스턴스를 반환합니다.
지갑 주소 목록의 인덱스, 또는 16진수로 된 주소입니다. 주어진 값은 caver-js 지갑에 있어야 합니다.
Return Value
Copy > caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getAccount ( '0x{address in hex}' )
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
feePayerSignTransaction : [Function: feePayerSignTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 0
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getAccount ( 0 )
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
feePayerSignTransaction : [Function: feePayerSignTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 0
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .remove (account)
지갑에서 계정을 제거합니다.
Return Value
지갑이 제거된 경우 true
입니다. 찾을 수 없으면 false
Copy > caver . klay . accounts .wallet;
Wallet {
'0' : { ... } ,
_accounts : Accounts { ... } ,
length : 1 ,
defaultKeyName : 'caverjs_wallet' ,
'0xce3bda34a14415f3bc2bcd5e61c48043857a6451' : { ... } ,
'0XCE3BDA34A14415F3BC2BCD5E61C48043857A6451' : { ... } ,
'0xce3bDa34A14415F3BC2bCd5E61C48043857a6451' : { ... }
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .remove ( '0xce3bda34a14415f3bc2bcd5e61c48043857a6451' );
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .remove ( 3 );
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .clear ()
지갑을 안전하게 비우고 모든 계정을 제거합니다.
Return Value
Copy > caver . klay . accounts . wallet .clear ();
Wallet {
_accounts : Accounts { ... } ,
length : 0 ,
defaultKeyName : 'caverjs_wallet'
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .encrypt (password)
모든 지갑 계정을 암호화하고 암호화된 키스토어 v3 객체 배열을 반환합니다.
Return Value
Copy > caver . klay . accounts . wallet .encrypt ( 'test' );
version : 3 ,
id : '2b334f59-a0bc-446c-9f25-c934e432e832' ,
address : '0x57629b4a9dc137f15400a3d96ab9e1e57b7f57c7' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : '9ca62a29f0f634ca63dfab40a4631f9fabb689ae60e4bfb475c58c69ad060543' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '3d924a71a7b4db0f2f8456068c1c7b8e' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : {
dklen : 32 ,
salt : '42628f28de6aa8b988c425fa97d8f790ac26a6f89b44b0321c56101e7fb8bbcf' ,
n : 4096 ,
r : 8 ,
p : 1
} ,
mac : 'a35bc8f650aa1ff0d2316de7be1494927851e19b3e817cd16482a442912f133b'
} ,
version : 3 ,
id : '9b8b4e4f-e72c-4a28-af57-38b6838b5533' ,
address : '0x4fb4006448106831a7c8c8e0d0139e05550f3d3e' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : '65b9350969efdfeadb357145c97992b67c4114bd1d24592e8c62dbddfab2a49f' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'b9d19c69a62745b3db409ff0879669a2' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : {
dklen : 32 ,
salt : '914a4628a991f521d547a9da593b5daa63a1a82fcafe0282c09e80967874f36c' ,
n : 4096 ,
r : 8 ,
p : 1
} ,
mac : 'a9de2c54c4b29807fd21d40fe79f556a7d5b771045cbbda0a943d3ced4cacafc'
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .decrypt (keystoreArray , password)
키스토어 v3 객체들을 복호화합니다.
복호화할 암호화된 키스토어 v3 객체들입니다.
Return Value
Copy > caver . klay . accounts . wallet .decrypt ([
version : 3 ,
id : '2b334f59-a0bc-446c-9f25-c934e432e832' ,
address : '0x57629b4a9dc137f15400a3d96ab9e1e57b7f57c7' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : '9ca62a29f0f634ca63dfab40a4631f9fabb689ae60e4bfb475c58c69ad060543' ,
cipherparams : { iv : '3d924a71a7b4db0f2f8456068c1c7b8e' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : {
dklen : 32 ,
salt : '42628f28de6aa8b988c425fa97d8f790ac26a6f89b44b0321c56101e7fb8bbcf' ,
n : 4096 ,
r : 8 ,
p : 1
} ,
mac : 'a35bc8f650aa1ff0d2316de7be1494927851e19b3e817cd16482a442912f133b'
} ,
version : 3 ,
id : '9b8b4e4f-e72c-4a28-af57-38b6838b5533' ,
address : '0x4fb4006448106831a7c8c8e0d0139e05550f3d3e' ,
crypto : {
ciphertext : '65b9350969efdfeadb357145c97992b67c4114bd1d24592e8c62dbddfab2a49f' ,
cipherparams : { iv : 'b9d19c69a62745b3db409ff0879669a2' } ,
cipher : 'aes-128-ctr' ,
kdf : 'scrypt' ,
kdfparams : {
dklen : 32 ,
salt : '914a4628a991f521d547a9da593b5daa63a1a82fcafe0282c09e80967874f36c' ,
n : 4096 ,
r : 8 ,
p : 1
} ,
mac : 'a9de2c54c4b29807fd21d40fe79f556a7d5b771045cbbda0a943d3ced4cacafc'
] , 'test' );
Wallet {
'0' : { ... } ,
'1' : { ... } ,
_accounts : Accounts { ... } ,
length : 2 ,
defaultKeyName : 'caverjs_wallet' ,
'0x57629b4a9dc137f15400a3d96ab9e1e57b7f57c7' : { ... } ,
'0X57629B4A9DC137F15400A3D96AB9E1E57B7F57C7' : { ... } ,
'0x57629B4A9DC137F15400A3d96Ab9e1e57B7F57C7' : { ... } ,
'0x4fb4006448106831a7c8c8e0d0139e05550f3d3e' : { ... } ,
'0X4FB4006448106831A7C8C8E0D0139E05550F3D3E' : { ... } ,
'0x4fb4006448106831a7c8C8e0D0139E05550F3D3E' : { ... }
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getKlaytnWalletKey (index)
caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getKlaytnWalletKey (address)
caver-js 지갑에 있는 계정에 대한 Klaytn 지갑 키를 반환합니다.
지갑 주소 목록의 인덱스, 또는 16진수로 된 주소입니다. The given value should exist in the caver-js wallet.
Return Value
계정과 일치하는 KlaytnWalletKey입니다. 이 값을 사용하면 지갑에 로그인할 수 있습니다.
Copy // With non-human-readable address
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getKlaytnWalletKey ( 0 )
'0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}'
// With index of wallet list
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getKlaytnWalletKey ( 1 )
'0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}'
// With an address in hexadecimal
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getKlaytnWalletKey ( '0xa9d40b07a6d06e7b7af6cf9a17fb107c9fc7fe58' )
'0x{private key}0x{type}0x{address in hex}'
// If the given account does not exist in the caver-js wallet, returns an error.
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .getKlaytnWalletKey ( '0x35170d0c774b8c80e9f802a7af6d0497e621c215' )
Error : Failed to find account
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .updatePrivateKey (privateKey , address)
지갑에 저장된 계정의 개인키 정보를 업데이트합니다.
참고 : 이 함수는 caver-js의 지갑에 저장된 정보만을 변경합니다. 이 함수는 Klaytn 네트워크에 저장된 키 정보에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다. Klaytn 네트워크의 키는 'ACCOUNT_UPDATE' 트랜잭션을 보냄으로써 변경할 수 있습니다.
참고 updatePrivateKey
는 계정의 accountKey가 AccountKeyPublic일 때만 동작합니다. caver-js v1.2.0 에서 AccountKeys(AccountKeyPublic, AccountKeyMultiSig, AccountKeyRoleBased)를 지원하기 때문에, privateKey
는 accountKey의 defaultKey를 참조하는 읽기 전용 속성으로 변경되었습니다. 이 메서드는 privateKey
직접 업데이트하지 않고 accountKey를 업데이트합니다. 이 메서드는 이전 버전과의 호환성을 위해 유지됩니다. 이제는 좀 더 포괄적인 caver.klay.accounts.wallet.updateAccountKey 사용을 권장합니다.
Return Value
새 accountKey를 가지는 Account 인스턴스입니다. Account 인스턴스는 caver-js의 인메모리 지갑에 존재합니다.
Copy > caver . klay . accounts . wallet .updatePrivateKey ( '0x{private key}' , '0xf2e2565629c7763dc0b595e8e531a31371a95f95' );
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 0
Copy caver . klay . accounts . wallet .updateAccountKey (address , accountKey)
지갑에 저장된 계정의 계정 키 정보를 업데이트합니다. 계정의 accountKey를 업데이트하면 privateKey 또한 accountKey의 defaultKey로 업데이트됩니다.
하나의 개인키 문자열이 accountKey 매개 변수로 전달되면, 계정의 accountKey는 AccountKeyPublic
인스턴스로 업데이트됩니다. 개인키 문자열의 배열이 accountKey 매개 변수로 전달되면, 계정의 accountKey는 AccountKeyMultiSig
인스턴스로 업데이트됩니다. 역할(Role)별 키를 정의한 객체가 accountKey 매개 변수로 전달되면, 계정의 accountKey는 AccountKeyRoleBased
인스턴스로 업데이트됩니다.
NOTE : This function only changes the information stored in the wallet of caver-js. This function has no effect on the key information stored on the Klaytn network. Keys in the Klaytn network can be changed by sending a 'ACCOUNT_UPDATE' transaction.
참고 caver.klay.accounts.wallet.updateAccountKey
는 caver-js v1.2.0 부터 지원됩니다.
The account address in the wallet.
An AccountKey instance (AccountKeyPublic
, AccountKeyMultiSig
or AccountKeyRoleBased
) or a data structure that contains the key info (a private key string, an array of private key strings or an object that defines the key for each role).
Return Value
Account instance with the new accountKey. The Account instance lives in-memory caver-js wallet.
Copy // Update to AccountKeyPublic with a private key string
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .updateAccountKey ( '0xf2e2565629c7763dc0b595e8e531a31371a95f95' , '0x{private key}' )
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 0
// Update to AccountKeyMultiSig with an array of private key strings
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .updateAccountKey ( '0xf2e2565629c7763dc0b595e8e531a31371a95f95' , [ '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' , '0x{private key}' ])
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 0
// Update to AccountKeyRoleBased with an object that defines keys by roles
> caver . klay . accounts . wallet .updateAccountKey ( '0x2F66043C35e2389dA0B5401c3C592b2002d60bAc' , {
transactionKey : '0x1e9c7960af2f1ed4b4ceff012b1eb2c1d31e57c9d52c5e9814d35a71726f02ed' ,
updateKey : [ '0x3ceef924ce849bc243f2df92ae2ac7105182a4ccfcab5df6978280643dad5f3b' , '0x655594f750be408b44582d36362e364565644c5974a8eba44e00f91f7274329e' ] ,
feePayerKey : '0xf0089574637af59838755588f622ac12e7e8c1156aae928e1a1af2cd62736924'
Account {
address : [Getter / Setter] ,
accountKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
privateKey : [Getter / Setter] ,
signTransaction : [Function: signTransaction] ,
sign : [Function: sign] ,
encrypt : [Function: encrypt] ,
getKlaytnWalletKey : [Function: getKlaytnWalletKey] ,
index : 0