
Klaytn 거버넌스와 관련한 API입니다.

네트워크 거버넌스를 위해 Klaytn은 다음과 같이 governance namespace의 API를 제공합니다.

Klaytn에는 세 가지 거버넌스 모드가 있습니다.

  • none: 네트워크에 참여하는 모든 노드는 환경설정을 변경할 권리가 있습니다.

  • single: 오직 하나의 특정 노드가 환경설정을 변경할 권리를 가집니다.

  • ballot: 의결권이 있는 모든 노드가 환경설정 변경에 투표할 수 있습니다. 전체 의결권 중 절반 이상이 모이면 해당 의제는 통과됩니다.

거버넌스 모드 종류에 따라 제안자는 단위 가격, 최소 예치 금액 등 네트워크 파라미터에 대해 투표할 수 있습니다. 제안자가 되기 위해서 노드는 최소 기준 이상의 KLAY를 예치해야 합니다. 자격이 있는 노드들은 블록을 제안할 권리를 가지지만, 실제 제안자로 선정될 확률은 예치 금액에 따라 결정됩니다.

특정 기간 동안의 제안자 선정 슬롯(기회)의 수를 결정하기 위해 예치금 비율을 계산할 때 숫자 반올림으로 인해 노드에 슬롯이 한 개도 부여되지 않을 수 있습니다. 하지만 최소 기준 KLAY를 예치한 자격있는 노드에게는 슬롯이 보장됩니다.

노드가 자격이 없을 경우, 즉 노드가 충분한 양의 KLAY를 예치하지 않는다면, 블록을 제안하거나 검증할 기회가 주어지지 않을 것입니다.

주의 사항

  • 거버넌스 노드는 예외적으로 single 모드에서 항상 자격이 있습니다.

  • 블록이 제안될 때 투표가 이루어집니다. 이 투표는 블록이 제안된 주기를 포함한 두 주기 이후에 반영됩니다. 예외적으로 addValidator/removeValidator만 즉시 적용됩니다.


vote 메서드는 새로운 투표를 제출합니다. 거버넌스 모드에 의거하여 노드가 의결권을 가지는 경우 투표할 수 있습니다. 그렇지 않으면 오류 메시지가 반환되고 투표는 무시됩니다.


  • Key : 변경하고자 하는 환경설정의 이름입니다. 키는 domain.field의 형식으로 되어 있습니다.

  • Value : 각 키에 대한 다양한 형태의 값입니다.

Return Value


> ("governance.governancemode", "ballot")
"Your vote was successfully placed."

> ("governance.governingnode", "0x12345678990123456789901234567899012345678990")
"Your vote was successfully placed."

>"istanbul.epoch", 604800)
"Your vote was successfully placed."

>"governance.unitprice", 25000000000)
"Your vote was successfully placed."

>"istanbul.committeesize", 7)
"Your vote was successfully placed."

>"reward.mintingamount", "9600000000000000000")
"Your vote was successfully placed."

>"reward.ratio", "40/30/30")
"Your vote was successfully placed."

>"reward.useginicoeff", false)
"Your vote was successfully placed."

// If wrong data are given
>"reward.ratio", 100)
"Your vote couldn't be placed. Please check your vote's key and value"

>"governance.governingnode", 1234)
"Your vote couldn't be placed. Please check your vote's key and value"

// when `governancemode` is "single" and the node is not `governingnode`
>"governance.governancemode", "ballot")
"You don't have the right to vote"


showTally 속성은 거버넌스 투표의 현재 집계를 제공합니다. 집계된 찬성률을 백분율로 나타냅니다. 50%가 넘으면 해당 의제는 통과됩니다.



Return Value


> governance.showTally
    ApprovalPercentage: 36.2,
    Key: "unitprice",
    Value: 25000000000
}, {
    ApprovalPercentage: 72.5,
    Key: "mintingamount",
    Value: "9600000000000000000"


totalVotingPower 속성은 CN들이 보유한 의결권 합계를 나타냅니다. 각 CN은 1.0 ~ 2.0의 의결권을 가집니다. "none", "single" 거버넌스 모드에서는 totalVotingPower 속성을 통해 제공하는 정보가 없습니다.



Return Value


// In "ballot" governance mode
> governance.totalVotingPower

// In "none", "single" governance mode
> governance.totalVotingPower
"In current governance mode, voting power is not available"


myVotingPower 속성은 노드가 보유한 의결권을 나타냅니다. The voting power can be 1.0 ~ 2.0. In "none", "single" governance mode, totalVotingPower don't provide any information.



Return Value


// In "ballot" governance mode
> governance.myVotingPower

// In "none", "single" governance mode
> governance.myVotingPower
"In current governance mode, voting power is not available"


myVotes 속성은 투표 주기 동안의 투표 정보를 나타냅니다. 사용자의 노드가 새로운 블록을 생성할 때 각 투표가 블록에 저장됩니다. 현재 투표 주기가 종료되면 이 정보는 사라집니다.



Return Value


>"governance.governancemode", "ballot")
"Your vote was successfully placed."

> governance.myVotes
    BlockNum: 403,
    Casted: true,
    Key: "governance.governancemode",
    Value: "ballot"


The getChainConfig returns the chain configuration at a specific block. If the parameter is not set, it returns the chain configuration at the latest block.


NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.

Return Value


> governance.getChainConfig()
  chainId: 1001,
  deriveShaImpl: 0,
  ethTxTypeCompatibleBlock: 86513895,
  governance: {
    govParamContract: "0x84214cec245d752a9f2faf355b59ddf7f58a6edb",
    governanceMode: "single",
    governingNode: "0x99fb17d324fa0e07f23b49d09028ac0919414db6",
    kip71: {
      basefeedenominator: 20,
      gastarget: 30000000,
      lowerboundbasefee: 25000000000,
      maxblockgasusedforbasefee: 60000000,
      upperboundbasefee: 750000000000
    reward: {
      deferredTxFee: true,
      kip82ratio: "20/80",
      minimumStake: 5000000,
      mintingAmount: 6400000000000000000,
      proposerUpdateInterval: 3600,
      ratio: "50/40/10",
      stakingUpdateInterval: 86400,
      useGiniCoeff: true
  istanbul: {
    epoch: 604800,
    policy: 2,
    sub: 22
  istanbulCompatibleBlock: 75373312,
  koreCompatibleBlock: 111736800,
  londonCompatibleBlock: 80295291,
  magmaCompatibleBlock: 98347376,
  unitPrice: 250000000000


The chainConfig property provides the latest chain configuration. This is equivalent to chainConfigAt() with an empty parameter.

governance_chainConfig API will be deprecated since Klaytn v1.11 (see klaytn#1783). Use governance_getChainConfig instead.

NOTE: the RPC API will be deprecated since v1.11. However, the governance.chainConfig property in the Klaytn JavaScript console is removed since Klaytn v1.10.2.

NOTE: In versions earlier than Klaytn v1.10.0, this API returned the initial chain configuration. However, due to its confusing name, it is updated since Klaytn v1.10.0. To query the initial chain configuration, use chainConfigAt(0) instead.



Return Value


> governance.chainConfig
  chainId: 1001,
  deriveShaImpl: 2,
  governance: {
    govParamContract: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    governanceMode: "ballot",
    governingNode: "0xe733cb4d279da696f30d470f8c04decb54fcb0d2",
    kip71: {
      basefeedenominator: 20,
      gastarget: 30000000,
      lowerboundbasefee: 25000000000,
      maxblockgasusedforbasefee: 60000000,
      upperboundbasefee: 750000000000
    reward: {
      deferredTxFee: true,
      kip82ratio: "20/80",
      minimumStake: 5000000,
      mintingAmount: 6400000000000000000,
      proposerUpdateInterval: 3600,
      ratio: "50/40/10",
      stakingUpdateInterval: 20,
      useGiniCoeff: false
  istanbul: {
    epoch: 20,
    policy: 2,
    sub: 1
  istanbulCompatibleBlock: 0,
  koreCompatibleBlock: 0,
  londonCompatibleBlock: 0,
  magmaCompatibleBlock: 0,
  unitPrice: 25000000000


The chainConfigAt returns the chain configuration at a specific block. If the parameter is not set, it returns the chain configuration at the latest block.

governance_chainConfigAt API will be deprecated since Klaytn v1.11 (see klaytn#1783). Use governance_getChainConfig instead.


NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.

Return Value


> governance.chainConfigAt()
  chainId: 1001,
  deriveShaImpl: 2,
  governance: {
    govParamContract: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    governanceMode: "ballot",
    governingNode: "0xe733cb4d279da696f30d470f8c04decb54fcb0d2",
    kip71: {
      basefeedenominator: 20,
      gastarget: 30000000,
      lowerboundbasefee: 25000000000,
      maxblockgasusedforbasefee: 60000000,
      upperboundbasefee: 750000000000
    reward: {
      deferredTxFee: true,
      kip82ratio: "20/80",
      minimumStake: 5000000,
      mintingAmount: 6400000000000000000,
      proposerUpdateInterval: 3600,
      ratio: "50/40/10",
      stakingUpdateInterval: 20,
      useGiniCoeff: false
  istanbul: {
    epoch: 20,
    policy: 2,
    sub: 1
  istanbulCompatibleBlock: 0,
  koreCompatibleBlock: 0,
  londonCompatibleBlock: 0,
  magmaCompatibleBlock: 0,
  unitPrice: 25000000000


The nodeAddress property provides the address of the node that a user is using. It is derived from the nodekey and used to sign consensus messages. And the value of "governingnode" has to be one of validator's node address.



Return Value


> governance.nodeAddress


The getParams returns governance parameters at a specific block.


NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.

Return Value


> governance.getParams(89)
  governance.deriveshaimpl: 2,
  governance.governancemode: "single",
  governance.governingnode: "0x99fb17d324fa0e07f23b49d09028ac0919414db6",
  governance.govparamcontract: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  governance.unitprice: 25000000000,
  istanbul.committeesize: 22,
  istanbul.epoch: 604800,
  istanbul.policy: 2,
  kip71.basefeedenominator: 20,
  kip71.gastarget: 30000000,
  kip71.lowerboundbasefee: 25000000000,
  kip71.maxblockgasusedforbasefee: 60000000,
  kip71.upperboundbasefee: 750000000000,
  reward.deferredtxfee: true,
  reward.kip82ratio: "20/80",
  reward.minimumstake: "5000000",
  reward.mintingamount: "9600000000000000000",
  reward.proposerupdateinterval: 3600,
  reward.ratio: "34/54/12",
  reward.stakingupdateinterval: 86400,
  reward.useginicoeff: true


The itemsAt returns governance parameters at a specific block.

governance_itemsAt API will be deprecated since Klaytn v1.11 (see klaytn#1783). Use governance_getParams instead.


NOTE: In versions earlier than Klaytn v1.7.0, only integer block number, the string "earliest" and "latest" are available.

NOTE: The block number can be larger than the latest block number, in which case the API returns the tentative value based on the current chain state. The future governance parameters are subject to change via additional governance votes or GovParam contract state changes.

Return Value


> governance.itemsAt(89)
  governance.deriveshaimpl: 2,
  governance.governancemode: "single",
  governance.governingnode: "0x7bf29f69b3a120dae17bca6cf344cf23f2daf208",
  governance.govparamcontract: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  governance.unitprice: 25000000000,
  istanbul.committeesize: 13,
  istanbul.epoch: 30,
  istanbul.policy: 2,
  kip71.basefeedenominator: 20,
  kip71.gastarget: 30000000,
  kip71.lowerboundbasefee: 25000000000,
  kip71.maxblockgasusedforbasefee: 60000000,
  kip71.upperboundbasefee: 750000000000,
  reward.deferredtxfee: true,
  reward.kip82ratio: "20/80",
  reward.minimumstake: "5000000",
  reward.mintingamount: "9600000000000000000",
  reward.proposerupdateinterval: 30,
  reward.ratio: "34/54/12",
  reward.stakingupdateinterval: 60,
  reward.useginicoeff: true


The pendingChanges returns the list of items that have received enough number of votes but not yet finalized. At the end of the current epoch, these changes will be finalized and the result will be in effect from the epoch after next epoch.



Return Value


> governance.pendingChanges
  reward.minimumstake: "5000000",
  reward.useginicoeff: false


The votes returns the votes from all nodes in the epoch. These votes are gathered from the header of each block.



Return Value


> governance.votes
    key: "reward.minimumstake",
    validator: "0xe733cb4d279da696f30d470f8c04decb54fcb0d2",
    value: "5000000"
}, {
    key: "reward.useginicoeff",
    validator: "0xa5bccb4d279419abe2d470f8c04dec0789ac2d54",
    value: false


The idxCache property returns an array of current idxCache in the memory cache. idxCache contains the block numbers where governance change happened. The cache can have up to 1000 block numbers in memory by default.



Return Value


> governance.idxCache
[0, 30]


The idxCacheFromDb returns an array that contains all block numbers on which a governance change ever happened. The result of idxCacheFromDb is the same or longer than that of idxCache



Return Value


> governance.idxCacheFromDb
[0, 30]


The itemCacheFromDb returns the governance information stored in the given block. If no changes were stored in the given block, the function returns null.


Return Value


> governance.itemCacheFromDb(0)
  governance.governancemode: "single",
  governance.governingnode: "0xe733cb4d279da696f30d470f8c04decb54fcb0d2",
  governance.unitprice: 25000000000,
  istanbul.committeesize: 1,
  istanbul.epoch: 30,
  istanbul.policy: 2,
  reward.deferredtxfee: true,
  reward.minimumstake: "5000000",
  reward.mintingamount: "6400000000000000000",
  reward.proposerupdateinterval: 3600,
  reward.ratio: "50/40/10",
  reward.stakingupdateinterval: 20,
  reward.useginicoeff: false


The getStakingInfo returns staking information at a specific block. The result includes the following information.

  • BlockNum: 예치 정보가 조회되는 블록 번호

  • CouncilNodeAddrs: 컨센서스 노드 주소

  • CouncilRewardAddrs: 관련 노드들의 블록 보상이 제공되는 주소

  • CouncilStakingAddrs: 관련된 노드들이 예치를 위해 배포하는 컨트랙트 주소

  • CouncilStakingAmounts: 관련 노드들이 예치하는 KLAY 액수

  • Gini: 지니 계수

  • KIRAddr: KIR 컨트랙트 주소

  • PoCAddr: The contract address of KGF. PoC is the previous name of KGF.

  • UseGini: 지니 계수 사용 여부를 나타내는 boolean 값

Note that the order of all addresses and the staking amounts are matched.


Return Value


> governance.getStakingInfo("latest")
  BlockNum: 57801600,
  CouncilNodeAddrs: ["0x99fb17d324fa0e07f23b49d09028ac0919414db6", "0x571e53df607be97431a5bbefca1dffe5aef56f4d", "0xb74ff9dea397fe9e231df545eb53fe2adf776cb2", "0x5cb1a7dccbd0dc446e3640898ede8820368554c8", "0x776817c0ef3d06d794cf01ae9afa33d7397b9b40", "0xc180ca565b34b5b63877674f5fe647e7da079022", "0x03497f51c31fe8b402df0bde90fd5a85f87aa943"],
  CouncilRewardAddrs: ["0xb2bd3178affccd9f9f5189457f1cad7d17a01c9d", "0x6559a7b6248b342bc11fbcdf9343212bbc347edc", "0x82829a60c6eac4e3e9d6ed00891c69e88537fd4d", "0xa86fd667c6a340c53cc5d796ba84dbe1f29cb2f7", "0x6e22cbe2b8bbd1df9f1d3c8ebae6d7ff5414a734", "0x24e593fb29731e54905025c230727dc28d229f77", "0x2b2a7a1d29a203f60e0a964fc64231265a49cd97"],
  CouncilStakingAddrs: ["0x12fa1ab4c3e17c1c08c1b5a945c864c8e8bf707e", "0xfd56604f1a20268ff7a0eab2ab48e25ee1e0f653", "0x1e0f6aaa9baa6081dc4910a854eebf8854c262ab", "0x5e6988415ebe0f6b088f5a676003ba60f572875a", "0xbb44998c2af35b8faee694cffe216558056d747e", "0x68cba498b7175cde9de08fc2e85ad3e9c8caefa8", "0x98efb31eeccafe35d53a6926e2a54c0858d9eebc"],
  CouncilStakingAmounts: [5000000, 5000000, 5000000, 5000000, 5000000, 5000000, 5000000],
  Gini: 0,
  KIRAddr: "0x716f89d9bc333286c79db4ebb05516897c8d208a",
  PoCAddr: "0x2bcf9d3e4a846015e7e3152a614c684de16f37c6",
  UseGini: true

governance_ getRewardsAccumulated

Returns the rewards information accumulated within the given block range [first, last].

NOTE: The block range should be less than 604800 (about 7 days) to protect endpoints from the resource exhaustion.


Return Value


> governance.getRewardsAccumulated(123400489,123416489)
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": {
        "firstBlockTime": "2023-05-29 15:11:27 +0900 KST",
        "lastBlockTime": "2023-05-29 19:38:11 +0900 KST",
        "firstBlock": 123400489,
        "lastBlock": 123416489,
        "totalMinted": 102406400000000000000000,
        "totalTxFee": 1012877568458206944160,
        "totalBurntTxFee": 1012877568458206944160,
        "totalProposerRewards": 10240640000000000224014,
        "totalStakingRewards": 40962559999999999775986,
        "totalKFFRewards": 20481280000000000000000,
        "totalKCFRewards": 30721920000000000000000,
        "rewards": {
            "0x04185389ec237dba242888a5a28b5555d011a223": 341760000000000007476,
            "0x064ce4c3e8409a544ce91245f9f8cfc33bde8925": 341158409421920578070,
            "0x0bb09aab5276ae532e33caf69d00a624adbc3fdf": 4692517369325951639990,
            "0x0c41cce8ddaea235f97745a13207421dca7340fa": 341158442792400102695,
            "0x179679457f93094a4e7186abcb2089661e92fc22": 4670094563747132209866,
            "0x186de0382923086f73367bab16af09aeda4e54bf": 3344700808386003997995,
            "0x1a147924d0489fccf53471904dc271b9d20157a4": 812253494122089774069,
            "0x24e593fb29731e54905025c230727dc28d229f77": 341120033370479516086,
            "0x2b2a7a1d29a203f60e0a964fc64231265a49cd97": 405647783029499903389,
            "0x2fd3ff6e4ead7430ea25bab5e5b2b073492b7e6e": 4179365177477290146362,
            "0x4b87df856044f2580ca62f44f6e15121d7ebcc91": 943429290876805235278,
            "0x5459c9591c3c3f260eff1a538d84610015332c91": 399791330615756805978,
            "0x54e8bc489cee5ab638920cc80160d8095df846b1": 1342241347422787927227,
            "0x5ed9914689a2fafb55a0c99a1c10d2f911d37734": 1150518010638720583027,
            "0x5f1dbd747996d8d31e2ab0317be7ffffd155522a": 507972397569861326690,
            "0x75239993ac422a4e6a7441d5ab47ed6e91faf306": 9708690430353790307357,
            "0x758476368db33864b704f41cc63b8460f8e7d39a": 719558444429276229872,
            "0x85d82d811743b4b8f3c48f3e48a1664d1ffc2c10": 20481280000000000000000,
            "0x999999999939ba65abb254339eec0b2a0dac80e9": 2546664690927360639974,
            "0xac7f6f8a63733877a78917dc798ed7693095be7b": 976294207626140822860,
            "0xadb287e1f8405f085c740e791a3914f9b07acae0": 4834561973146129955927,
            "0xb89a760eb082dbae4f334a9374fa32e7b077e00d": 341120033370479516086,
            "0xbb121974208b9282e72cb0da7f48d8ae14dba954": 477271623157965876433,
            "0xc8e7053dc17bce47d2317718734ef087be40a023": 533654318603814390326,
            "0xcd7cd61f0b221a61405640b8ba10f1455cce6d51": 1153716971545888984956,
            "0xda5609a74470689a3b51cb53ee3c499b0f54f31a": 401005661421389210969,
            "0xdbd3fbdc9e1965855b773a4746f27165b787fe3c": 1153644257271028044532,
            "0xdc7dda990c08513962d5ae6dfb195b1f6879bfaf": 1954666498718499702479,
            "0xdd4c8d805fc110369d3b148a6692f283ffbdccd3": 30721920000000000000000,
            "0xdedbab7de9551a2bee78792638af67d59b8675c6": 1285976941809533886160,
            "0xe3d49ffc285c668425b2966b683776f632859efa": 714216865143954209314,
            "0xf786c3720a10cb48c8f12d0ac2086dcf227c7cde": 588428623678048468557

Last updated