FeeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio는 수수료 부분 위임 KLAY 전송 트랜잭션을 나타냅니다. transactionObject는 FeeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성하기 위해 아래와 같은 속성들을 가질 수 있습니다.
FeeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio는 멤버변수로서 아래와 같은 속성들을 가지고 있습니다. Properties marked as optional refer to properties that can be optionally defined in transactionObject when the user creates FeeDelegatedValueTransfer transaction.
NOTE: You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio.create({...}).
FeeDelegatedValueTransferWithRatio는 수수료 부분 위임 KLAY 전송 메모 트랜잭션을 나타냅니다. transactionObject는 FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemoWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성하기 위해 아래와 같은 속성들을 가질 수 있습니다.
FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemoWithRatio는 멤버변수로서 아래와 같은 속성들을 가지고 있습니다. 선택 사항인 속성들은 사용자가 FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemoWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성할 때 transactionObject에 선택적으로 주어질 수 있는 속성들을 뜻합니다.
NOTE: You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedValueTransferMemoWithRatio from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransferMemoWithRatio.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransferMemoWithRatio({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.feeDelegatedValueTransferMemoWithRatio.create({...}).
FeeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio는 수수료 부분 위임 계정 업데이트 트랜잭션을 나타냅니다. transactionObject는 <FeeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성하기 위해 아래와 같은 속성들을 가질 수 있습니다.
FeeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio 는 멤버변수로서 아래와 같은 속성들을 가지고 있습니다. 선택 사항인 속성들은 사용자가 FeeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성할 때 transactionObject에 선택적으로 주어질 수 있는 속성들을 뜻합니다.
NOTE: You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.feeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.feeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.feeDelegatedAccountUpdateWithRatio.create({...}).
FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio는 부분 수수료 위임 스마트 컨트랙트 배포 트랜잭션을 나타냅니다. transactionObject는 FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성하기 위해 아래와 같은 속성들을 가질 수 있습니다.
FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio는 멤버변수로서 아래와 같은 속성들을 가지고 있습니다. 선택 사항인 속성들은 사용자가 FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성할 때 transactionObject에 선택적으로 주어질 수 있는 속성들을 뜻합니다.
NOTE: You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractDeployWithRatio.create({...}).
FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio는 부분 수수료 위임 스마트 컨트랙트 실행 트랜잭션을 나타냅니다. transactionObject는 FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성하기 위해 아래와 같은 속성들을 가질 수 있습니다.
FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio는 멤버변수로서 아래와 같은 속성들을 가지고 있습니다. 선택 사항인 속성들은 사용자가 FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성할 때 transactionObject에 선택적으로 주어질 수 있는 속성들을 뜻합니다.
NOTE: You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio.create({...}).
// Create a feeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio>caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio({ from:'0x{address in hex}', to:'0x{address in hex}', input:'0xa9059...', gas:90000, feeRatio:30,})// Create a feeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio from RLP-encoded string> caver.transaction.feeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio('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')
FeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio { _type:'TxTypeFeeDelegatedSmartContractExecutionWithRatio', _from:'0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b', _gas:'0xf4240', _nonce:'0x4d2', _gasPrice:'0x19', _signatures: [ SignatureData { _v:'0x26', _r:'0x74ccf...', _s:'0x4c937...' } ], _feePayer:'0x5a0043070275d9f6054307ee7348bd660849d90f', _feePayerSignatures: [ SignatureData { _v:'0x25', _r:'0x4a499...', _s:'0x0f8cb...' } ], _feeRatio:'0x1e', _to:'0x7b65b75d204abed71587c9e519a89277766ee1d0', _value:'0xa', _input:'0x6353586b000000000000000000000000bc5951f055a85f41a3b62fd6f68ab7de76d299b2'}
FeeDelegatedCancelWithRatio는 수수료 부분 위임 취소 트랜잭션을 나타냅니다. transactionObject는 FeeDelegatedCancelWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성하기 위해 아래와 같은 속성들을 가질 수 있습니다.
FeeDelegatedCancelWithRatio은 멤버변수로서 아래와 같은 속성들을 가지고 있습니다. 선택 사항인 속성들은 사용자가 FeeDelegatedCancelWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성할 때 transactionObject에 선택적으로 주어질 수 있는 속성들을 뜻합니다.
NOTE: You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedCancelWithRatio from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.feeDelegatedCancelWithRatio.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.feeDelegatedCancelWithRatio({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.feeDelegatedCancelWithRatio.create({...}).
FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio는 수수료 부분 위임 체인 데이터 앵커링 트랜잭션을 나타냅니다. transactionObject는 FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성하기 위해 아래와 같은 속성들을 가질 수 있습니다.
FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio은 멤버변수로서 아래와 같은 속성들을 가지고 있습니다. 선택 사항인 속성들은 사용자가 FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio 트랜잭션을 생성할 때 transactionObject에 선택적으로 주어질 수 있는 속성들을 뜻합니다.
NOTE: You can create an instance of FeeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio from RLP-encoded strings. Please refer to the below example. NOTE: caver.transaction.feeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio.create is supported since caver-js v1.6.1.
NOTE: As of caver-js v1.8.1-rc.4, creating transactions is only supported using the create function. If you've been creating transactions using a constructor like new caver.transaction.feeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio({...}), please change it to caver.transaction.feeDelegatedChainDataAnchoringWithRatio.create({...}).