IDE 및 도구

이 페이지는 Klaytn의 스마트 컨트랙트 개발을 돕는 개발 도구 목록을 보여줍니다.

  • Remix Online IDE is a powerful toolset for developing, deploying, debugging, and testing EVM-compatible smart contracts. You can write, compile, deploy and execute smart contracts on Klaytn from Remix IDE, using Klaytn Plugin.

  • Klaytn Contracts Wizard is an interactive generator to bootstrap your smart contract and learn about Klaytn Contracts. This is based on OpenZeppelin Wizard.

  • Klaytn smart contracts written in Solidity can be compiled and deployed using Truffle. At the moment, Klaytn supports up to Truffle v5.0.26.

  • Kaikas is a browser extension wallet for the Klaytn Network. Kaikas empowers you to store and interact with KLAY and your Klaytn-based tokens. Kaikas also enables you to sign transactions from web-based Klaytn dApps in realtime.

  • Klaytn Wallet is a browser-based account management tool for the Decentralized Application (dApp) developers. You can create/load your accounts, review your account balance, and transfer KLAY. You can also register your own Klaytn tokens to test basic behaviors.

  • Klaytnscope is the block explorer for the Klaytn Network. You can browse and inspect your transactions on the browser.

Last updated

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